This is profoundly true. This current racial tension and focus - TopicsExpress


This is profoundly true. This current racial tension and focus that have taken over the minds and hearts of so many in the black community in the waning days of 2014. Is unfortunately based on lies and deceptions. I see it as merely a manufactured demonic ploy to distract the focus of a specific group of people away from the real issues, problems and disfunctions affecting too large of a percentage of the black community. That for decades have remained in a state of perpetual Malays of low expectations. An existence that develops a collective sense of dependency empowered by becoming forever a victim. Of course such thinking cant possibly imagine much less question its own reality. They are therefore, incapable of questioning their current state, can never realize the disfunctions of supporting one political party. Nor are they capable of comprehending why the one way same old way approach have never worked in the past and will not work in the future. Such beliefs, attitudes and thinking processes will always lead to fundamental failure. Which in turn leads to anger, rage and other types of negative reactions and destructive behavior. When ones mind is trapped in such a belief system, people are unable to consider solutions to any problem, much less an issue as huge as the social and economic standing of a whole people. Especially when such a large portion suffers from the end result of decades of negative status quo thinking that prevents any type of focus on real issues and real solutions that are far more important with far greater consequences. Many of the sincere protestors thinks, they are out there marching for Justice and too some how improve society and the state of the black community. When in reality, the image they project is one of rude and disruptive disrespect toward the general public, Violent, terroristic threats, anti social behavior and destructive nature of some in the movement. The fascist methods used by the protestors will have the opposite affects. While perpetuating the very images and stereotypes they seek to dispel. Such an approach will fail as surly as any cause will fail, that calls for the death of law enforcers and other citizens based on racist motives. Because, the beginning was not built upon a strong moral foundation. And because its reason for beginning was not rooted in basic truth, facts or reality. The true reality is that the above mentioned virtues, would not coexist with evil. Just as virtue such as peace, Justice and truth would never coexist with the attacks and death of law enforcers, the destruction of personal property and mass disruption of businesses and public freedom of movement. The only reason or purpose these fires have been and are being stoked by certain politicians, activist including the mainstream media is to further their personal agenda. All for the purpose of controlling, manipulating and distracting a whole community that votes 90 plus Percent for one party. Their goal is to keep them on the plantation, keep them angry, out of focus, confused, disillusioned, dependent and loyal. To prevent them from turning their focus away from those falsely manufactured causes being created by master minds and promoted by the left leaning mainstream media. Their ultimate goal is to not allow any thoughts to move in the direction toward what the real and more serious issues are. They must not allow our outrage to be redirected toward the real problems our community faces. This is why they will continue to work using what ever means necessary to keep our focused efforts from moving toward any solutions that would expose the failures of their policies and the destructive nature of too much government control. The problem with this current racially divisive occupy Wall Street type movement. Is the insincerity of most of those politicians who are playing this game for political gain. While many of the new upcoming activist are trying to position themselves into a position of power, while the old guard attempts to reaffirm or strengthen their current position and to further their own financial gains. Watch: Krauthammer Just Dropped A Truth Bomb On Race-Baiters’ Narrative...And The Truth Hurts Ill tell you if there is a narrative here... WESTERNJOURNALISM.COM Like · · Share B Earl Beckham Write a comment...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:56:27 +0000

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