This is the fourth and last chapter ending my work to describe and - TopicsExpress


This is the fourth and last chapter ending my work to describe and end the dark New World Order of man bringing you the Big Picture of it as well as its detail plans. The Catholic Church controls the UN, NWO, bankers, Islam (!), terror and wars to bring totalitarian world rule to enslave man: • Napoleon Bonaparte: “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses….” • The Catholic Church controls the world and its dark New World Order to bring total world control via totalitarian rule controlled by the Society of Jesus – the Jesuits – and their Superior General (“Black Pope”), Adolfo Nicolas, who command the White Pope and the Vatican City, the United Nations and all governments, the International Bankers, the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta etc. and all Intelligence Organizations. • Members follow the Extreme Oath of the Jesuits including to “make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth”. • Their ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem (as Anti-Christ) eliminating the Protestant Reformation, and they control wars, political and economic systems including conspiration of the world. The Jesuits are like the SS of the Catholic Church. They maintain order. • They aim to bring feudalism as the economic system of the dark ages with Lords owning everything and peasants/slaves working for them in a totalitarian rule with the abolition of private property, inheritance and family. • The Jesuits condemn freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. So, no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience. • The Secreta Monita: ”The Secret Instructions are the handbooks that are given to the professed Jesuits, those under extreme oath. And it tells them how to conduct their plans, subjugating peoples and nations to the Jesuit General, and thus, to the temporal power of the Pope. It tells how they are to deceive and swindle people out of their fortunes. • The “Cold War” was a hoax to enable the Vatican to knock over country after country after country, and replace the leaders with dictators, subordinate to the Pope. And to bring the economic system of the Dark Ages with few rich lords and many poor peasants/slaves. • Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade — all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. The whole drug trade is run by high Mafia families out of the country of Columbia, subject to the Jesuit General. • Any Pope who resists the Jesuits gets punished or murdered. And all the Popes know it. • “Rome’s—the Jesuit General’s—international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program.” • The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York, who is in command of all military orders and “the Commission”, which controls all of the trucking, all the supermarkets, it’s power is beyond our wildest imagination, and of course, they all control the Federal Reserve Bank. • The Jesuits are the true authors of socialist-communism. Jewish Freemasonry, controlled by the Jesuits, implemented Communism in Russia. They used Freemasonry to implement Communism in Russia, and from there, China, and from there, throughout the world. • They blamed it all on the Jews, purged Europe of its Jews, so Europe is primarily Roman Catholic now. It’s a Roman Catholic block, and it will be the army of the Anti-Christ, with its European Union. • World War II was produced by Rome, the Jesuits were using the SS to mass murder the Jews in Europe to implement “the Final Solution to the Jewish Question” and the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps. The Jesuits brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the CIA. • The Jesuits are not finished with their purgings and their installings of dictators loyal to the Pope, around the world. They pretty much have South America. They pretty much have Africa. But they don’t have the East, and the Orthodox nations, and the Buddhist nations. The purpose of the Cold War was to kill millions of these heretic, orthodox Buddhists, and to install in their country dictators that will carry out the Inquisition, who are loyal to the Pope. • Now that they have all of the dictators installed all throughout the world, they don’t need the Cold War anymore. So now they can proceed with their next agenda, and that’s the unification of Europe, the building up of Russia, and the destruction of the Western Empire. • Islam is an invention of the Catholic Church to bring them world domination via totalitarian regimes controlling people. • The Church wanted to kill/transfer my being to Putin to become the new fake Jesus and for Queen Elisabeth to overtake my mother.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:11:38 +0000

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