This is the most important question of your entire life. Everybody - TopicsExpress


This is the most important question of your entire life. Everybody will meet God one day - when this life is over. It is not a matter of Church membership or living a good life, but ARE YOU BORN AGAIN BY ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOUR? If not, you are lost, and you need to take the advantage of Gods offer of salvation. YOU NEED TO ACCEPT CHRIST NOW! The Bible says that we are all sinners without exception. there is none righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10). It also tells us that because we are sinners, we are condemned to die because the wages of sin is death. (Roman 6:23) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CONDEMNED TO DIE? It means total separation from God and all that is good and pleasant for all eternity. How Terrible! God hates sin and rebellion. Yet He loved us so much that he provided a way of escape for us. He gave His only Son Jesus Christ, who was sinless, to suffer and die for our sins as our substitute. You must there for make the necessary adjustments and give your life to Jesus Christ, Remember, now is the acceptable time. Do no hide your sins. Confess them and tell the Lord that you are sorry and he will show you mercy what shall it profit a man to gain the whloe world and lose your soul? Therefore, repent and give you life to Jesus Christ and He will give you power to become a son of God.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:54:56 +0000

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