This is the richest info i have read in the recent past! Later - TopicsExpress


This is the richest info i have read in the recent past! Later decisions are even more important. And the biggest one of all? Deciding to be committed to your spouse. Believe me, it is a choice, and the one that makes or breaks your marriage. It’s not easy though, in these days of quick results and instant gratification. Tempting you to put career, social life and glitzy possessions ahead of your family. And to move on anytime things get tough. Partly it’s because all that marketing hype creates such high expectations. And makes us feel things should be effortless. So whenever your partner seems less than perfect, it’s easy to believe that there’s someone else out there who’s exactly what you’re missing. And so you only ‘conditionally commit’ to one another. Until a better option appears... We’d all be a lot better off if our expectations were more realistic. So before you decide that your partner’s not ‘giving you what you want,’ ask whether anyone could! It’s sad how often marriages struggle when really what’s happening is that you’ve set your hopes too high. So anytime your partner’s driving you nuts, ask yourself whether you’re being fair. And make sure you’re meeting their needs before you start complaining that your own aren’t being met. Like always doing what you say you’re going to do. Your word is everything to your spouse! So don’t let your work takes priority, for example. Because your partner’s needs must come first. Like if you say you’re going to be somewhere, be there. On time. Successful couples do work hard of course – but they set limits to it. They’re focused and professional, avoid bringing work home, and live simply in order to reduce financial pressures and working hours. Putting your relationship first may mean you’ll never be the wealthiest people around, but you’ll certainly be leading the richest lives. So if you want to reduce marriage to one simple rule, it’s this. Be committed! And live a life that says you are, every single day. Because the song’s wrong. It’s not love that makes the world go round. It’s commitment. And why’s that? It’s because the love that lasts forever only starts growing when you both know you’ll always be there for each other.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:02:55 +0000

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