This is what I have to say to you, and it’s the best advice I - TopicsExpress


This is what I have to say to you, and it’s the best advice I can give: if you’re tired of watching everyone else get what you want and be happy with it, stop wanting those things and start being happy with what you do have. I know it sounds obvious but also difficult, because it is. But it’s a totally underrated and too-often overlooked approach at happiness. We all want things we can’t have, but the key to overcoming that phenomenon is changing what we want and how happy we are about what we already have. You are young and you are wonderful and you are talented. You have so much promise and potential. Be happy with that. Yes, being young and wonderful also means that you’re going to get walked all over. It’s the way of the world. But you have the opportunity to get back up and dust yourself off every time it happens, and you just have to be willing to make the choice to do so. You’re going to lose a bunch of close friends in your lifetime. You’re going to drift away from family members you always thought you’d trust and love with your whole heart. You’re going to get your heart broken. You’re going to lose jobs that you halfway-enjoyed. You’re going to fail. But you’re also going to make new friends, form a new family, fall in love again (and again and again), get a new, better job, and go on to succeed at things you never thought you would. Life is a series of pushes and pulls, wins and losses. It’s perfectly okay to feel upset and broken and it’s perfectly acceptable to mope and sulk and be angry at the world—but the beauty of human nature is our ability to strike a balance. So you can be sad and angry for a while, but eventually you just have to say, “This is it. These are feelings I’ve had over experiences I’ve been through. They’ve done for me whatever they are going to do, I am done with them, and it is time to move on." And then you move on. It’s only as hard as you allow yourself to think it is. You’re the only person who has control over your own life and your own feelings; control yourself wisely
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 15:13:51 +0000

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