This is what I think, today. Ya have to love Facebook. I mean - TopicsExpress


This is what I think, today. Ya have to love Facebook. I mean really, you can be anyone or anything you want to be here, or at least until someone comes along and challenges you to prove it, put up/shut up. Personally, I am of the belief that the truth is best, because you only have to remember one version of it. With that said, I am going to say something here that will appear to be the complete opposite. We ALL wear a mask, or two, or three… You have your public mask where you are polite and sensitive and politically correct (or not). Then there is the mental mask, which is where you say all those nasty catty remarks about other people, but, only in your mind. My favorite is from the father, in ‘That Seventies Show’…” DUMBASS!”. Then there is the face you present to your family, and the one that your friends see (Dumbass!) and then there are your paramours, etc, and so on. Recently, there was a post about what makes an introvert, and of the 20 or so qualities, I felt that I matched at least 18 of them. Someone challenged me on that, saying that relative to the posts they see in F/B that I couldn’t be an introvert. Well, here, I refer you to the first few paragraphs of this monograph. What you see, of me, here in Facebook land, is not my public persona, since, I don’t know you from Adam, Eve, or butterfly. I have no precast image to live up to. In fact, hell, its not even my real name (SHOCKER!!). I don’t have a problem with people knowing my name, and even tell them, if they ask. I just use this ‘handle’ because it amuses me. (therein lies a hint!). The personality presented on these pages, has skipped over the public masque, right into my mental persona. What you see is what I often think, to myself, but, would rarely ever say in public. I DO try so hard to be politically correct, but, I often fail at that. Its my background and upbringing you see… but, that’s a story for another thyme. I post things that amuse me. Some things are for effect, and don’t necessarily reflect my actual viewpoints. (if you REALLY want to know, just ask). When, if, you are fortunate enough to meet me in person, you might be quite surprised at how ‘introverted’ I really am. Yes, I am actually quiet, nearly shy, and hold back, a lot. Mentally I am turning somersaults and acting out, but, I know how to act in public. But there have been a few instances where I surprised a person or two.. indeed, myself. I acted totally on impulse and… frankly had a fun time. And, you know who you are, out there.. (points finger). I guess what I am sayin here, is that we are all a little bit like onions here. We all have layers upon layers of who we are, pretty much depending on the surroundings. Some are thin skinned.. and a lot of them make us cry. So, there you have it. I don’t know what you will take from this.. Perhaps a better understanding of me, or maybe even a chuckle or two. I don’t know that it matters or that I care, but, a chuckle would be nice.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:58:29 +0000

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