This is what actors and artists thought of America when I was - TopicsExpress


This is what actors and artists thought of America when I was growing up. Its also the way it SHOULD be! America has done more positive things for the world than any country in history and we should be proud to be Americans with the Constitution that is like no other ever. America is the worlds last best hope. Let these Socialists/Communists/Marxists/Progressives/Liberals/etc. who are in power have their way and America will be destroyed and remade into Obamas socialist dreamworld. The founders of this Country werent dumb, and they spent countless hours crafting our Constitution to be like no other ever. They saw the danger of letting government getting carried away with their power, they saw how tyranny begins and takes over, they wrote the Constitution to specifically LIMIT the powers of the government because they knew what happens if you dont. They did their best and they did a damn good job in my opinion, they foresaw exactly whats happening today even though they couldnt have imagined the strides weve made in technology and communication. What they tried to do was keep any one person or any one party from getting so powerful that they could never be defeated. Its all in there.. Like Prego spaghetti sauce.. Its in there. But you have to read it, and you have to appreciate it, and you have to hold these politicians, that actually work for US, accountable. They all put their hands on a Bible when theyre sworn in to uphold and defend the Constituion... above all else! If they dont? Theyve violated their oaths of office and theyve deceived the public and they should be removed from office. This qualifies as a high crime and misdemeanor! If we abandon the Constitution and let politicians do as they please and make up things as they go along, weve lost all that we fought for in our independence from the King of Englands tyrannical rule. What well end up with is a new king, with his own brand of tyranny. If you like Obama and you think his way is right, and you allow him to continue to chip away at the Constitution and what it is based on, then consider this: What if it was George Bush who was doing what HE saw fit and everything HE did drove YOU nuts! Would you be so wiling to abandon the glue that has held this country together for almost 250 years? I doubt it. And if youre on Obamas side on this and you think what he and the Democrat Party are doing is the best thing for America, youd better consider the question I just proposed. Because we Conservatives on the right are at least as disgusted by this Presidents lack of respect for the Constitution as you would be if George Bush were laughing at you as he lowered taxes, cut regulations, reduced welfare, and drastically cut the size of the government. You best think about this because its getting real close to the what our side will put up with. Its getting real close to the point where the citizens rebel because they have no recourse because the Democrats have stacked the deck and are destroying the country we all cherish and wont sit by and watch it destroyed by the likes of this Socialist destroyer in the White house. Remember were the side that fights for our right to bear arms because the founders wrote that into the Constitution for the citizens to be able rebel as a last resort if need be. Were the side that has the guns and were the side that will fight to the death if need be. I hope it doesnt come to that but in the 64 years Ive lived here Ive never seen the country at odds like this before, Ive never seen one party demonize the other to the extent the Democrats do today, Ive never seen the rampant disregard for the Constitution that the Democrat party has today. The direction theyre pushing things is 180 degrees off from what this country has been all about for its entire life. Socialism? Its never worked any where its been tried EVER!! Communism? Is that what you want America to embrace? Do you even know what is going on here? You better start paying attention because theres a whole lot of shit piling up onour side as a result of this administrations arrogant selfish efforts, and that shit thats piling up is being collected by all of us, and its being consolidated into a bigger and bigger pile that we dont want and were not going to accept. This pile of dung is moving close and closer to a very big fan that will blow it back where it belongs, in the lap of the people who created it. Dont think well all go whimpering into defeat. Your war on the Constitution and the essence of the greatness of America will be granted, Just keep pushing...
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:29:54 +0000

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