This is without a doubt the most passion-filled, intense, - TopicsExpress


This is without a doubt the most passion-filled, intense, life-affirming, take-you-to-the-brink-of-extasy song I have or will likely ever hear. Songs like this breathe life into us, they make us ache in that way that creates an intense desire to completely open yourself up to experience the whole of everything. Its like the Phoenix bursting into flame inside my heart. Its like the wind rearranging every particle of my being. Its like dying of thirst only to have the rain come crashing down like the most poignient tuth that could ever be uttered. This. Song. Right. Here. Anyone who knows me is aware of how fanatical I get about music and I love many genres, many artists, many songs...but nothing has ever struck me the way this one does. Nothing has ever come this close to describing how I feel, who I am, why I do what I do. Even if this isnt your typical style or what you think you would like, I urge you. Close your eyes. Feel its passion rush through you. I rarely say I have a favorite song above all others...but this one is high up there. Helen Condon Olivia Van Ry Norm Nitro Norm Thomas Ashmedi Melechesh Shannon Hamm Tim Aymar Chris Lutmer Ernie Rocker Gary Spry Jr Jeanette Hieter Jeff Elkins Tyler Dunlop Steven A. Brackenbrough Steve Shumate Seth Siro Anton Steve Hunt Joseph Aguirre Louie Vargas Luis Iglesias Morana Chernobog Emelie Zorsha Sarah Ramsdell Alyce Raven Sarah Taylor Foroogh Kardansani Sandra Araya James Murphy Becky C Jacob
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:43:53 +0000

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