This isnt a post about cool garments, feel free to skip my ramble, - TopicsExpress


This isnt a post about cool garments, feel free to skip my ramble, I would make it a blog but you cant do two links (weird that when you think of it) So my article is after the jump. I want to write about wealth. When I hit 28 I started to realise I was actually by my own standards, quite a bit of a failure, Id bought in to the music industry dream that making it was just around the corner. With two reasonably good record contracts behind me and a new music project not panning out, again, I was disillusioned. My fairly natural reaction was, OK Im under 30, I need to focus on my career, make a heap of cash and climb my way up the corporate ladder as quick as possible – So thats what I started to do. I put that suit on, cut my hair, bought some nice shoes and I worked HARD. And I really did, I gained a reputation as a very efficient, cut throat manager with a eagle eye for detail and out of the box ideas and solutions for persistent problems. Now, back to the article – Many of the comments under it are from The American Dreamers that feel there is a shadow conspiracy of ultra-rich that focus solely on keeping the average man down. The truth of the matter is, being wealthy is HARD, it requires abnormal amounts of sacrifice that will be at detriment to both friends and family. The pursuit of wealth will consume almost every waking hour you have, you will basically end up as Monty Burns. Say what you like about Dan Bilzerian, the ultimate bro but go back and look behind the guys eyes, and his lifestyle and branding takes work, I know a social media con job when I see one, Hes working hard, hes taking in his old mans shoes, he had a heart attack at 25. Dont let bath full of tits fool you. What about those that are born rich, for sure they are happy? Well, wealth is an arms race, based on social interaction, So, say I grow up in an insanely wealthy household, supercars in the drive a whole host of high end gadgets... everything.... then, well Ill be happy right? Well as likely, youll have a social group of people that are of a similar status to you, and as likely, they will all have similar possessions to yourself. So, are you wealthy? Its a question of perspective and the answer will often be, no, not compared to x. You have a Maserati? Brian has a gold limited edition one? Holiday home in France? Julie has one in Dubai. Now go home, you realise you most likely have.... a room....... you keep your television in... Thats a pretty far out concept when you think of it? There was a lot of hassle over the Rich Kids Of Instagram Tumblr. Guys cutting cakes using iPads... Champagne... Boats..etc. Pretty grotesque right, because having an iPad is a kinda a low league status symbol and its kinda expensive and you have to work to get one. So, do you have have clean drinking water in your house? Yeah we do, turn on the tap and there we go, sometimes you wash in it.... Sometimes you even piss in it.. sometimes you.... lets not go there. Now, Im not going all Bono here, its just an example of perspective, Im fairly sure no matter how much money you make. People feel poor. Even the rich. And actually, Rich Kids of Instagram is an example of that, its fulfilling a need for validation. Im not as rich as my friends but thank the maker, Im at least richer than you. Isnt that a bit depressing? Not really. Ill explain why. I came to a realisation that this arms race was one I could never win, psychologically whatever I have, personally Ill always want more. So, my realisation was, I need to focus on a core set of goals that I can achieve and more than that the process of achieving them is enjoyable, thats the trick, thats all there is. Choose goals that are enjoyable to achieve and are actually measurable. The biggest mistake you will ever make is not making a tangible goal. “Huh? Jordan I KNOW what my goal is, its to be rich!” Youve read the above paragraphs, youll know what Im getting at. So here Im going to be totally honest what my goals are. Learn to drive and purchase a car in the next 6 months. Leave the 9-5 and work for myself (Tick!) Reach the yearly sales targets for Blaq outlined in my business plan (time will tell) Sell in every US State (Kinda silly but, Hey I make these so whatever) Create a savings account with £500000 in it. Within the next 900 days. (even if I fail.. I HAVE a savings account) Get an office with a view of the sea. Put a deposit on a house in the next 12 months, at 33 this year, I better do it. Open a Blaq store in Brighton. If success is based to you on intangible targets, you will never be a success. So, set your goals and let me know what they are below!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 08:39:04 +0000

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