This morning, David and I attended the memorial service for Bob - TopicsExpress


This morning, David and I attended the memorial service for Bob Sarvis in Tomball. You know it is gonna be a full house when you come early and there is no room to park. Several speakers from family, friends, and co workers got up and spoke from the heart about a man they truly loved and admired. There was not a space inside the Klein Funeral Home that did not have someone sitting or standing to honor their friend and loved one who was taken away much too soon. David and I were standing in the foyer along with about 100 other people and that room was filled to overflowing and out the side door. Such a turnout!! Rev. E. Wayne Law read a poem, The Dash, and discussed how that dash is the measure of our lives between our beginning and our end. For me, the most moving part was the leaving. As David and I drove away from our parking spot, I noticed one Glazier Food 18 wheeler truck on the road, then another turning at the light, then another turning, then another, and another. As we drove away, I counted at least 10, 18 wheeler Glazier Food trucks honking and waving as they drove away from the service for their co worker and friend. Such a tribute! Bob Sarvis, a grand funeral for a great man! Keep his family in your prayers. They will appreciate it more than you can ever know.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 22:29:41 +0000

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