This one is for those who are Defending our Freedom around the - TopicsExpress


This one is for those who are Defending our Freedom around the world on this Christmas Day, and dont have the luxury of being with Family and Friends... May God Bless and Keep You All Safe... Thank You All for your incredible Sacrifice as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who also extended us an undeserved Blessing from His Sacrifice... that if we would repent of our sin and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. He would Forgive our sins and we would have Everlasting Life with Him... Empty Saddles at Christmas The junipers whiten with snow softly fallin; Somewhere down in the draw theres an ol cow a-bawlin. There aint nothin ails her -- were plumb sure of that, For grass has been good and the stock is all fat. And yet, driftin in on the snow-feathered breeze, The sound brings a feelin of wishful unease To us old hands settin here cozy and warm, Snug-sheltered and safe from this Christmas Eve storm: A strange, lonesome feelin we cant push away, Rememberin tomorrow will be Christmas day; Rememberin its Christmas and wonderin when Them two empty saddles will be rode again. Theres two pairs of spurs and two hats on their pegs, And two pairs of chaps meant for young cowboy legs A-hangin unused on the old bunkhouse wall-- But the boys they belong to aint hearin cows bawl. Theyre hearin machine guns, the whine of a shell, And all them strange sounds of a war thats plain hell; The sea waves a-slappin the side of a boat, The ominous roar from a big bombers throat; The strange, alien language of little brown men-- The same sounds all over and over again, While deep in their hearts what theyre longin to hear Is wind in the cedars, the bawl of a steer. Us oldsters, we set here this Christmas Eve night A-thinkin of cowboys thats gone off to fight. If our thoughts could reach em, heres what we would say: Were doin our best, boys, since you went away. The ranch is still here and the cattle well-tended. Your horses are fed and the fences are mended. Looks like a white Christmas will show up at dawn. We hope its the last one you boys will be gone. Theres an old cow a-bawlin--she claims her calfs missin-- Sure wish that you boys was here with us to listen. © 1966, S. Omar Barker
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:02:43 +0000

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