Todays Devotional How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter - TopicsExpress


Todays Devotional How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! - Psalm 119:103 (NRSV) A few years ago I decided that I was overweight, so I began a diet and exercise regimen. I had to control the portions and the types of food I consumed. I needed to reduce the cakes, chocolates, and sweets and eat more salads, fruits, and other nourishing foods. One day my wife gave me some nuts for a snack. I never liked to eat nuts in the past, but I took a handful and ate them. I found that I quite liked them! My sense of taste had changed over the years. I discovered that the fruit and salads I once avoided are now pleasing and tasty to me. I no longer crave snacks such as chocolates and other sweets. Psalm 119 reminds us that we should long for God’s word. Just as we digest our food, so we should consume God’s words. The food we eat provides us with energy, strength, and life. Consequently, when we read, study, and absorb what we read in the Bible, we can grow as Christians every day. I now try to control what I eat by choosing more wholesome, nutritious foods rather than rich, fatty sweets and desserts. Likewise, we should look at what we digest spiritually. Just as we have to make time to eat properly, so should we make time to digest what God says to us when we read the Bible and pray. Mark Wallace (Suffolk, England) Thought for the Day:Spending time with God daily makes a good spiritual diet. Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for your holy word, the Bible. Help us to digest your word and use it as our spiritual source of energy day by day. Amen. Prayer Focus: Those who struggle with obesity
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:18:30 +0000

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