This page is all about Truth and here is a bit of tough Truth. In - TopicsExpress


This page is all about Truth and here is a bit of tough Truth. In this final battle for souls, our most difficult task is not reaching those who know they are lost, but rather reaching those who think they are saved but follow the path of deception. So very many follow the ways of "man" and deny the Truth of God. These are those who are hardest to reach...the ones who have all the answers and want to give their opinions to others. There seems to be no room for Truth, they are so complacent and comfortable in their world of deceit that they just attack and deny. We must pray for these people, but there is a time when we also must shake off the dust and move on to those who will hear. There seem to be more today than at any other time who see only the "love" portions of the Bible and deny the 3/4 of the Bible that deals with obedience, sin, Heaven, hell, wrath and judgment. To those the reality will soon smack them in the face and they will not be able to stand in the difficult times. It saddens my heart, but our Lord warned us of this thousands of years ago...many will wax cold, be deceived. If we only concentrate on trying to get through to those who refuse to listen, we often fail to reach those who are searching for the Truth. These things will get worse as the end grows closer. These are so deep into deception that they see only "their" way and do not even want to hear what God says. The final call to repentance is upon us. This will be their chance to listen to God and repent before the doors to Heaven open and our Lord takes us Home. Once we are safely Home, the gates will be shut. Then the Truth will be known, but the suffering and horrors will begin. We do all we can, but they also must listen in order to find the Truth. If we are obedient to God and sound the alarms, He tells us we will not be held responsible for their destruction. We must reach the ones who will listen!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 11:58:57 +0000

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