This post is Bi-Partisan: Republicans and a number of Democrats - TopicsExpress


This post is Bi-Partisan: Republicans and a number of Democrats are all up in arms about the launch of The Affordable Care Act; to such a temper-tantrum extent that they were willing to shut-down the Government for 3 weeks and bring our nations economy to the brink of utter ruin, using the ACA as leverage during debt ceiling negotiations (essentially holding our economy hostage) right up to the last few minutes before default (it really was that close). My 2 year old nephew displays more emotional and logical restraint but I digress. Now, just one month later the very same people are screaming that not ENOUGH Americans can sign up for The Affordable Care Act due to issues with the networking, website malfunctions, lack of access to information, etc. So...? Heres an idea for Congressional Leaders from both parties. You either hate it and want to see it fail OR you love it and want people to sign up. FOR THE LOVE OF LOGIC, PICK ONE! You are embarrassing yourselves (again). With that off my chest: Important FACTS to know: The term Obamacare is ludicrous and I refuse to use it (that is my opinion-facts are next). Congress behaves like they werent in any way responsible for its passage. Wrong. In order for it to pass: A) both parties had to approve it in both the House AND Senate; then the President signs it into law. b) There were a series of massive meetings with the following people/organizations while they were hammering it out. Among them were: ----The American Medical Association; The American Cancer Society; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Big Pharma; Private Health Insurance Companies; several large Corporations; several Small Business Owners; the Nations best and brightest Medical Scientists and Researchers; top Economists; numerous State Medical Boards; Financial Advisers; top-notch Budget-Crunchers; several non-profit medical facilities/organizations representing the uninsured, under-insured, people of color, women and children; Social Services, Medicaid and Medicare Specialists; several top doctors and surgeons from around the U.S., a wide-range of lawyers, and MORE.----- That is the short list; there were others. This was an obvious joint-effort between Congress and all facets of our health-care system at a scale never seen before in drafting legislation (not my words; political analysts); how could that be missed and even dismissed? This is why Obamacare is not an accurately coined term. How did we forget the massive network involved in negotiating, creating and ultimately passing this piece of legislation? Most likely; people did not even know about it; the media did a very poor job of reporting on ALL those involved and the lengthy process that ensued. I had to actively seek-out this information. Continuing on... C) The healthcare bill Obama originally wrote and wanted to pass was completely re-worked by Congress so he didnt get his way; hence the months of tough negotiations and numerous players involved. D) It was a Collaborative Effort involving several hundred people from both inside and outside Congress (as listed in part under b), including those now crying foul (political grandstanding at its ugliest). E) Major Private Health Insurers and Pharmaceutical Companies were present at the negotiations; they had a hefty hand in creating this bill and gave their nod of approval at the finalized legislation. Now they are pouting and raising a ruckus for public display (yes, Id like to thank the Academy)... Call it CONGRESSIONALCARE; its much more accurate. Or better yet, call it by its true name. As always, research this issue for yourselves and come to your own logical conclusions. You dont have to dig deep; this information is hiding in plain sight. *Personal Disclaimer: This post does not and should not in any way imply what my personal views are regarding the Affordable Care Act. Nor should this be read as an endorsement or approval of any one politician and/or political party. Quite the contrary. The sole purpose of this post is a small attempt to counter the massive disinformation campaign and utter dismissal of responsibility and accountability by ALL involved in drafting and passing the Affordable Care Act.*
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 22:19:55 +0000

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