This pro-nuke article completely downplays the negative impact of - TopicsExpress


This pro-nuke article completely downplays the negative impact of the ongoing Fukushima disaster (AMAZING omission of facts here), makes no mention of non-govt. evidence that shows the ill-effects of three-mile island, doesnt account for the ongoing tremendous danger of onsite nuclear waste storage at nuclear plants (actually paints the waste being stored at these sites as positive!), fails to take into a account the imperialistic imposition of nuclear on non-U.S. countries that dont want it (take India -they are being bullied/murdered/land grabbed into having plants built there), fails to discuss all the countries going nuclear free in response to Fukushima, and presents the energy package as either/or - fossil fuels or nuclear--as if thats all there is! Simply NOT TRUE. What about wind, solar, geothermal, & hydro power? Mark Z. Jacobsons plan (from Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment) provides a thorough fossil-free future plan with NO nuclear in the package. Last but not least, the article profiles three hip looking young folk from MIT- the nuclear designers of the future. Im surprised by The Atlantic. Even the picture below with the flowers and bees at the forefront of the photo... I think this is what we call greenwashing.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:13:40 +0000

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