This probably isnt going to be a popular post but Im going to - TopicsExpress


This probably isnt going to be a popular post but Im going to share it anyway. I am not a fan of movies, I hardly ever watch a movie. We dont have cable in our home and so when we do watch a movie it is a rated G movie or family movie. Im not familiar with a lot of shows that are out there. Several times Ive seen some of my Christian friends post about a show called Downton Abbey. They talk about how great it is and how they are hooked on watching it. I had no clue what this show was about. So while at the library yesterday I found the movie and ask the librarian about it. I ask him was it a decent, family movie. He stated yes. I ask was it suitable for children or was it for a mature audience. He told me it was perfectly fine and it gave them history about the times during the Titanic. I ask did it have any foul language, his reply was, Unfortunately no. I was taken back by it and said well thats a good thing....he said no not for me...Im a fan of foul language. I was taken back by his response. Then he proceeded to say that I would be bored with the show by season 2 and would not want to watch it. I thought ok, well since he is totally disappointed by this show, it may be something decent for us to watch as a family. Boy was I wrong. Autumn wanted to watch one of the movies....and like always if its something Jamie and I dont know about we will preview it first...even if it is rated G or family oriented. So we put the first disk in...I was bored within 5 minutes (typical for me lol) so I fell asleep. However it wasnt long until Jamie woke me up to show me a part of the movie...I opened my eyes and right there on our monitor was two men kissing. I was so irritated!!!!! He immediately took the disk out and it will be making its way back to the library TODAY!! But this is were my mind goes back to all of the times I saw my friends posting about this show. Im confused by how this has become acceptable to so many?!?! No Im not judging you, no Im not starting a conflict but I am concerned. We need to build our walls back up. I stayed awake most of the night asking God to cleanse our home from what had just taken place and to take that image out of our minds. Im so glad my kids didnt see it.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:10:34 +0000

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