This situation in the Ukraine yet again demonstrates the absolute - TopicsExpress


This situation in the Ukraine yet again demonstrates the absolute mockery that is the foreign policy of Barack Obama. Vladimir Putin has repeated the humiliation of our Dear Leader. Putin has made our POTUS his b!+ch over and over and over again. Syria, Ukraine, the European missile shield. Putin has run over this president time after time and the White House has no answer for it. Putin has done in less than a decade what leaders of the former USSR could not do over 70 years: break down the POTUS and bend the United States to its will. We won the first round of the Cold War only to surrender in the second round. Obama, Kerry, Clinton and his entire clown college of an administration are to blame for the reduction of the United States from a superpower to a 2nd class international laughingstock. We, I mean the United States is under LEGAL obligation to defend Ukraine. The Budapest Accords signed by the US, Russia, Ukraine and the UK under Clinton, committed the signatories to the defense of Ukraine after the fall of the (first) Soviet Union. In return for this protection, Ukraine gave up its nukes to Russia. Not such a great move in hindsight. Now I am not advocating any direct military intervention by the United States. What i would like to see is at the very least, joint military exercises with our allies in Europe and the Mediterranean, if we have any left. Restoration of the missile shield would also go a long way to deterring further Russian aggression.I would also like to see REAL sanctions, not simply the freezing of phantom bank accounts. In addition, increase natural gas production here and encourage the same in Europe. Russia has a huge trump card over the nations of Europe. Russia supplies Europe with the vast majority of its oil and natural gas. If these nations began producing more of their own resources, they could reduce this advantage. Russia needs oil to be over 90/barrel in order for it to be profitable for them. Every dollar that the production of domestic natural gas reduces the price is good for Europe and bad for the Russians. However with the anemic leadership we have in DC on BOTH SIDES none of this is likely to happen. Vladimir Putin was a KGB officer and he called the fall of the Soviet Union the greatest geo-political disaster in the 20th century. A man like this cannot be reasoned with. Putin has one goal in mind: the restoration of if not the Soviet Union, Russian domination of Europe. Putin is willing to do ANYTHING to accomplish this including going to war and our Dear Leader is issuing useless sanctions. Obama has abandoned the leadership of the free world to one of the most dangerous men alive and he has absolutely no idea what he has done. He has his clueless minions running around the world issuing toothless threats while Putin grinds his heel into Ukraine and at the same time has his eyes on Estonia citing persecution of Russian citizens in that nation as well. This is the Adolf Hitler model in action. Hitler claimed that in order to protect German citizens in the former Czechoslovakia, he had to occupy and absorb it. He said the same of Austria and the great powers of Europe watched it happen. Poland was mutilated by Germany and the Soviets and the world watched. Taking this back to Ukraine, the Soviet Union systematically starved close to 8 million Ukrainians over ONE YEAR from 1932-33. The Soviets purposely engineered a famine that killed more people in a shorter time frame than Hitler did. And to make it worse, the media in this country not only ignored it, but denounced anyone who tried to tell the truth about it. “Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda. There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition.” (as reported by the New York Times correspondent and Pulitzer-prize winner Walter Duranty). This reporter won a PULITZER PRIZE for covering up the starvation and murder of millions. FDR recognized the Soviet government in 1933, at the height of this genocide. History is repeating itself. Russia is on the march yet again and the world is simply watching as people are subjugated under Russian rule and Putins ambitions. First Georgia in 2008, Ukraine, Estonia and the other Baltic states have caught Putins eye as well. Will Barack Obama stand by as Russia walks over one nation after another? Will the leftist regime that is in charge of the United States impotently watch while the Russians exert their dominance over Europe as the Nazis did in the 1930s under the watch of the democrat demi-god FDR? We need to make a change in 2014 and 2016. We need to install leadership that will take proactive action against those that would seek to dominate its neighbors. The United States as the last remaining superpower (for now), should take the lead in defending those that face danger from expansionist powers like Russia and China. It is not necessary to go to war. But there are things we can do that can hurt them. We just have to possess the will to do them. That will is sorely lacking in the leadership that we have at this time
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 03:37:03 +0000

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