This the opening of a study I had started years ago and now - TopicsExpress


This the opening of a study I had started years ago and now re-opened it to further it along. Salvation John 3:15 “That whosoever believes in Him (that is Jesus Christ) would not perish (spiritually removed from existence is a condition of the soul), but have eternal life (also a condition of the soul living with God). John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He (that is God our Father) gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish (cease to exist is the condition of our soul), but have everlasting life.” (the soul to exist eternally with Jesus Christ) The use of the Greek word “perish” is a condition of something living: the same Greek word for “lost, destroy, ruin and consume.” Remember this verse: [Heb 12:29 KJV] For our God [is] a consuming fire. The condition of our lives depends heavily on the condition of our spirit (i,e; our soul) and how each of us chooses to follow and trust in Jesus Christ’s power to save under the darkest circumstances. 2nd Corinthians 4 It states there: don’t be faint in heart or weak in your faith…trust in God, no matter what anyone says. When faith is shaken and seems distant and out of reach, look deep within yourselves for therein the Lord shines brighter. Our faith is power in our hands to work the will of God. Don’t allow the things of God to be hidden from your heart. Never be led away by those who deceive themselves and are deceitful…they seek the world…they see its evil, blame God for not doing something about it and then, question God’s position on every level of our troubled world. There will be many among us who refuse the Gospel message. Remember Isaiah 6:9-10 And the Lord said, Go, and tell this people. You can hear indeed the Word of God (when its read), but you understand it not: and you can see it indeed, but perceive it not. Make (then) the heart (that is the mind) of this people fat (allow them to dive head on into the fatness of the world), and make their ears heavy (in a translucent world filled with chatter, religion, wealth and deception), and shut their eyes (to the miraculous works of the Living Word); unless they choose to see with their eyes (of their own free will), and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert and be healed. Don’t walk among those who are crafty and allow themselves to fall into the realm of the world’s delusions and misfortunes. We should never hide the Gospel of Jesus Christ or find ourselves onboard with those who are half stepping its foundation and truth. Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unaware, unnoticed, who were from long ago, before of old and ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace and love of our God into lasciviousness, that which they pervert and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus teaches us not (in any case) attempting to force the Gospel onto someone. We simply live it, express it by our life’s example and share its power whenever we can. Speaking freely and boldly for His names sake. There’s a verse Jesus used when He said this: if we are slapped on one side of the face, we should turn our face to receive it again. This is for those who force the bible on someone and causing the listener to become angered and physically strike. For all who walk away (after the Gospel is presented) or refuse the Gospel are blinded by God’s hand and they cannot see it because they are bound to the worlds truth. That is of man and his science. For all who walk after the god of this world, they are without hope and lost to its power. When we reach the verse in chapter 4 that states “cast down” it is in relationship to the fall of Satan. He was created perfect, beautiful, the full pattern and given all wisdom [read Ezekiel 28:12-18]. Satan was given and had control over the Mercy Seat (known as the Seat of Prayers). Power went to his head and he gathered a third of the “sons of God” to rebel against Jesus Christ [Job 38:7, Rev. 12:4]. It backfired on Satan and he was cast out of heaven (that is removed from the Mercy Seat).
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:10:28 +0000

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