This time one year ago, I was on my way to Iowa City. I havent - TopicsExpress


This time one year ago, I was on my way to Iowa City. I havent posted much today. I havent even known what to actually say. What do I say that I havent already said. You can say thank you to people but thank yous dont even begin to do justice or amount to anything in my case. A year ago, my life changed. Some would probably say for the worse. To me, I have said and will continue to say, for the better. I know I will live for the rest of my life with chronic pain in my hip,back and neck. I suffer from things I never had before, I was always so healthy. I have crazy feelings in my arms, usually at night, like my arms weigh 100 lbs. I am severely hyperthyroid with no know cause. My hip hurts every single day, my neck cracks and creaks constantly. Amongst those complaints I have a gorgeous scar from just below my boobs midline down to just above my pubic area. I have two equally as pretty scars on each side of my chest from chest tubes. My scar on my head is very hard to see. And I have 3 nasty ass scars on my right hip, started as one and when my hardware failed in July most of you know I had all that removed and a rod hammered in to my femur which left me with the previous incision scar plus two others. That day for me was just like all the others, taken for granted. Shortly after 1700 GRMC called a level 1 trauma alert for their very own. I cant tell you exactly what all happened bc I dont remember a thing. What I do know is that CT scans and x-Rays revealed several issues. I had a small brain bleed, I had fractures of C2, C5 and C7 and several other fractures in my thoracic and lumbar spine. I had a ruptured spleen and had an emergency Spleenectomy at GRMC. I had a collapsed lung and got one chest tube there and the other side in Iowa City for another hemo/pneumothorax. I was intubated and spent the next 6-7days on a ventilator. I had a badly fractured femur. I also fractured my collar bones. I cant say that night or the next week sucked for me. It didnt. I dont remember a thing. GRMC replaced my entire blood volume. What they did for me that night was a MIRACLE. When I was able to go through my facebook again and saw the way it blew up that night and the days following, there is no doubt prayers were another huge part in my survival. I have never felt so loved in my entire life. People I didnt even know where praying for me. How humbling is that? How do you ever say thank you? I honestly dont know how I didnt become severely depressed. I was told I would need to go to a rehabilitation center to live for awhile (Ya right wasnt gonna happen). It was a possibility that even if I could ever do my job again, It was possible I could lose my job depending on how long I would need to be off because I hadnt been there long enough to have FMLA. There were two things that have me all the motivation I needed, ok three things... Jaedyn Jean, Leighton Steven, and my job as an Emergency Room Nurse at GRMC. There was no time to lay around and feel sorry for myself, cry about all I had lost, dont get me wrong, I cried and I cried a lot! I cried at home hard it was to learn how to walk, it sounds like it would be easy, like riding a bike, it wasnt. When I did stairs for the first time it was like this huge milestone. Really walking up a flight of stairs? Walking around Walmart for the first time, or the mall, or sleeping in my bed for the first time in 7 weeks, it all seems so little but they were things I took for granted daily. I had the joys of anticoagulation therapy and my blood was never thin enough so I lived on Lovenox shots and Coumadin until my filter came out. I went back to work at 7 1/2 weeks. That was nothing but determination. No way in hell was I going to lose a job I loved and had waited so long for. Never once said I cant do that, I cant lift that person, hell I worked on broken hardware for over a week, and could barely walk down the ramp at work at night when I would get off. Its hard to complain when your just plain lucky to have your life, Jade and Leight still have their mom, I get to watch them grow up. I owe this year to a lot of people. Too many people to name or count. If your one of them you know it. Whether you saved my life, helped me rehab, donated to my benefit, brought meals, visited me at the U, prayed, or just plain loved me... This whole last year is because of you! I LOVE this life!!!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:19:22 +0000

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