This was Ambers candle lighting ceremony speeches. I dont think - TopicsExpress


This was Ambers candle lighting ceremony speeches. I dont think there was a dry eye in the room by the last candle. She wrote them all herself, of course, and did such a good job. Im so proud of her! 1. This candle is for my mom, who has been there for me through good times and bad, and has always helped me in times where I need her most. I love her with all my heart and I want to thank her for all the wonderful times we spent together. 2. This one is for my nana, who I have to thank for this beautiful party, and for also always being there for me like a second mother; teaching me how to knit, sew, and everything else that embraced my creative side. 3. This one is for my poppy, who has always made me smile and has been very supportive of me. He’s like a father to me, and I can’t thank him enough for raising me in a wonderful, beautiful home. 4. This one is for my brother, who is, no doubt, the coolest and sweetest guy I know. No matter what sibling rivalry we’ve had in the past, he’s always been there for me, and I can’t thank him enough for it. 5. This one is for my Aunt Joy, who taught me how to toughen up when things look bad, and who I can always count on to make me smile when I’m upset. She gave me the strength that I need today, and I wish I could say thank you one thousands times for convincing me to kickbox. 6. This one is for my Uncle Bob, who taught me how to be chill when I’m stressed out and is also one of the coolest guys I know. He taught me how to be artistic, and in his own awesome way, how to see the world through a different perspective with a paint brush. 7. This one is for my Uncle Lenny, my godfather whom I love very much, and a really awesome guy when it comes to family get-togethers. He’s always been supportive in rough times, and I can count on him to make me smile when I’m feeling blue. 8. This one is for my Aunt Kathy, a beautiful lady and a very fun person to be with when it comes to holidays. When she walks into a room, it always seems to light right up, and she always makes me happy when we sit down to talk no matter what holiday it is. 9. This one is for my Aunt Marie, whom has been there for me since I was a little girl, and is one of the most caring people I know. She’s always there when I need her; always there when I need someone to turn to, or just something to do on a quiet and lonesome day. 10. This one is for my Uncle Johnny, who has always shown me how to have fun no matter what the weather may be. He’s super fun to be around, and to spend time with, and I couldn’t imagine what 11. This one is for Miranda, who has not only been my closest friend for three amazing years, but she is also the best sister I never had, and I hope we keep on having fun together for many years to come. 12. This one is for Robyn, who I will never forget sharing so many good memories with, and also one of the closest friends I’ve ever had. We grew up together, and have been together since third grade, and I can only hope we stay together for much, much longer. 13. This one is for Lenny and Danny, two awesome dudes who I grew up with who have always been fun to be around. They’re the tallest and nicest guys I know, and I know when they come over, the day is bound to be full of fun and happiness. 14. This one is for Matty and Jenny, the most fun kids I’ve ever been able to hang around with. They’re the cutest cousins in the world and I hope they don’t forget about all the fun times we have playing video games and playing around when they get older. 15. This one is for Johnny, my neighbor, my playmate, my cousin, and a friend who I treasure dearly. I can’t think of anyone else who looks just as awesome as he does when he drives his golf carts and his ATVs. 16. This one is for Megan, a friend who I cannot thank enough for helping me when I needed support. I still remember last year, when I felt trapped because I was being bullied and you jumped in and showed your support and saved me from that feeling of being stuck. I can’t thank you enough, Megan, but...thank you. Extra candle: This last candle is for two amazing people who can not be here today to see this ceremony. In loving memory, I light this candle in honor of my Uncle Bill and Aunt Jewey, two amazing people who I will never forget, and love with all my heart even to this day.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 03:38:53 +0000

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