This was an excerpt from a tv show performed by actors and not a - TopicsExpress


This was an excerpt from a tv show performed by actors and not a speech by a private citizen. I agree that many, mostly liberal policies, have limited our once abundant freedoms. Government control is restricting progress and business, encouraging corporations to move jobs overseas while limiting the small businessman. It almost cannot be fixed with the corruption we have at ALL LEVELS of government including right here in this town. That leads people and businesses to get all they can while they can, every person for themselves rather than good for others. All that said, Americans are not looking to migrate somewhere else. The United States remains the beacon of hope for the world, the dreamed destination of anyone wanting to escape oppression and poverty. The very reason other liberal dominated countries can exist is because of the military might of the United States. finland, norway,scandinavia, japan, sweden, switzerland, france, indonesia, latvia thailand and most other thankless pieces of shit owe their very existence to us. Without the United States they would all be speaking german or russian. They should all be practicing thanksgiving, for the United States.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:28:27 +0000

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