This week I have had a perpetual feeling of heaviness in my heart. - TopicsExpress


This week I have had a perpetual feeling of heaviness in my heart. As I go down the list of reasons that I may feel this way, you may think it is obvious, however, I couldn’t quite put my finger on this particular feeling. Then it hit me yesterday as I am driving home from work. It’s Friday, off for the weekend, looking forward to spending the evening with Kimberly, SK and Caroline and then the song “Homesick” by MercyMe started playing. That’s it, I am feeling homesick! I have always looked forward to Heaven and now that Lee is there that desire is even more profound. During this time of grief, I am comforted when I am reminded of Lee’s Home for eternity and the future Home for all who have accepted Christ as Savior. As I read the Scriptures about Heaven and the eternity of no more death, sorrow, tears, disease, pain, war, guilt, shame, addictions, politics, hunger, and the list of “ no mores” could go on and on, I long for Home. It reminds me of the time that my daughter Jimi spent the night away from home for the first time. I called her around 8 to say goodnight. She was happy and having fun with her friend, however, when I said, “ok sweet girl, sleep well, I love you and miss you”, there was silence on the other end and then a little whimper as Jimi said “momma, I wish you wouldn’t have said that”. Of course, I made the trip to her friends house to pick her up because me telling her that I “missed her” reminded her of all she had at home and she immediately became homesick and there was no convincing her to stay. As homesick as I feel, I know that God’s timing and plan is always perfect. I have more of an urgency to tell others about Christ. To share His love and extend compassion. To remind myself and others to focus on Eternity more than the these “light and momentary troubles”, to meditate on the Creator more than the created. If these are the things that being homesick evokes, then maybe we should all feel a little homesick? Heaven will be amazing and the reunion with Christ and our loved ones will be incomparable!! So, let’s tell others about God’s great love, I wouldn’t want anyone to miss this!! Have a super blessed Saturday! Love, Meredith
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:23:13 +0000

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