This week in Labor History August 4th - August 10th August - TopicsExpress


This week in Labor History August 4th - August 10th August 042014.08.04history-ups-strike The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers is formed. It partnered with the Steel Workers Organizing Committee, CIO in 1935; both organizations disbanded in 1942 to form the new United Steelworkers - 1876 An estimated 15,000 silk workers strike in Paterson, N.J., for 44-hour week – 1919 Thirteen firefighters, including 12 smokejumpers who parachuted in to help their coworkers, die while battling a forest fire at Gates of the Mountain, Montana - 1949 Nearly 185,000 Teamsters begin what is to become a successful 15-day strike at United Parcel Service over excessive use of part-timers - 1997 August 05 Using clubs, police rout 1,500 jobless men who had stormed the plant of the Fruit Growers Express Co. in Indiana Harbor, Ind., demanding jobs - 1931 The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) took effect today. The first law signed by President Clinton, it allows many workers time off each year due to serious health conditions or to care for a family member - 1993 2014.08.04history-fmla(The FMLA Handbook, 4th edition, is a thorough, highly readable handbook that will help every worker get the most out of the surprisingly comprehensive 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act. It explains how unions can protect workers who are absent from work for justifiable medical or family-care reasons; block compulsory light-duty work programs; force employers to allow part-time schedules; obtain attendance bonuses for workers absent for medical reasons; and much more. An important tool for every union rep.) August 06 Cigarmakers Int’l Union of America merges with Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union - 1974 American Railway Supervisors Association merges with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employees - 1980 Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of the U.S. & Canada merges with Brotherhood of Railway, Airline & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express & Station Employees – 1986 Some 45,000 CWA and IBEW-represented workers at Verizon begin what is to be a two-week strike, refusing to accept more 2014.08.04history-cwa-verizonthan 100 concession demands by the telecommunications giant - 2011 August 07 Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Wobbly organizer, born - 1890 Eugene Debs and three other trade unionists arrested after Pullman Strike - 1894 Actors Equity is recognized by producers after stagehands honor their picket lines, shutting down almost every professional stage production in the country. Before unionizing, it was common practice for actors to pay for their own costumes, rehearse long hours without pay, and be fired without notice - 1919 (Drawing the Line: The Untold Story of the Animation Unions: The entertainment industry relies on many behind-the-scenes workers. Sito tells the fascinating story of Hollywood animators, from the early days of Betty Boop and Popeye to today’s world of Pixar. He describes fighting for unionism during the era of virulent anti-Communism in Hollywood, during which if an artist stood up against management he or she was labeled a Red.) 2014.08.04history-cwa-att-strikeUnited Slate, Tile & Composition Roofers, Damp & Waterproof Workers Association change name to Roofers, Waterproofers & Allied Workers - 1978 Some 675,000 employees struck ATT Corp. over wages, job security, pension plan changes and better health insurance. It was the last time CWA negotiated at one table for all its Bell System members: divestiture came a few months later. The strike was won after 22 days - 1983 Television writers, members of The Writers Guild of America, end a 22-week strike with a compromise settlement - 1988 August 08 Delegates to the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly elect 35-year-old Charles James, leader of the Boot and Shoe Workers local union, as their president. He was the first African-American elected to that leadership post in St. Paul, and, many believe, the first anywhere in the nation - 1902 Cripple Creek, Colo., miners strike begins - 1903 Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workmen of North America merge with Retail Clerks Int’l Union to become United Food & Commercial Workers - 1979 Cesar Chavez is posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, becoming the first Mexican-American ever to receive the honor - 19942014.08.04history-fight-fields (The Fight in the Fields: No man in this century has had more of an impact on the lives of Hispanic Americans, and especially farmworkers, than the legendary Cesar Chavez. Born to migrant workers in 1927, he attended 65 elementary schools before finishing 7th grade, the end of his formal education. Through hard work, charisma and uncommon bravery he moved on to become founder and leader of the United Farm Workers of America (UFW) and to win a degree of justice for tens of thousands of workers... and to set a moral example for the nation.) August 09 Knights of Labor strike New York Central railroad, ultimately to be defeated by scabbing - 1890 Nine men and one woman meet in Oakland, Calif., to form what was to become the 230,000-member California School Employees Association, representing school support staff throughout the state - 1927 2014.08.04history-titan-missileA fire and resultant loss of oxygen when a high pressure hydraulic line was cut with a torch in a Titan missile silo near Searcy, Ark., kills 53 people, mostly civilian repairmen - 1965 United Papermakers & Paperworkers merge with Intl Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite & Paper Mill Workers of the U.S. & Canada to become United Paperworkers Int’l Union, now a division of the Steelworkers Union - 1972 Some 73,000 Bell Atlantic workers end a successful two-day strike over wages and limits on contracting out of work - 1998 The United Steelworkers and Amicus, the largest manufacturing union in the United Kingdom, announce formation of a strategic alliance to work on a range of mutual concerns - 2005 August 10 The Air Line Pilots Association is founded at a meeting in Chicago attended by 24 activists from across the country - 19312014.08.04history-mike-quill Hundreds of Transport Workers Union members descend on a New York City courthouse, offering their own money to bail out their president, Mike Quill, and four other union leaders arrested while making their way through Grand Central Station to union headquarters after picketing the IRT offices in lower Manhattan - 1935 President Roosevelt signs amendments to the 1935 Social Security Act, broadening the program to include dependents and survivors benefits - 1939 Construction on the St. Lawrence Seaway begins. Ultimately 22,000 workers spent five years building the 2,342-mile route from the Atlantic to the northernmost part of the Great Lakes - 1954 I.W. Abel, president of the United Steel Workers of America from 1965 to 1977, dies at age 79 - 1987 President Barack Obama signs a $26 billion bill designed to protect 300,000 teachers, police and others from layoffs spurred by budgetary crises in states hard-hit by the Great Recession - 2010
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:31:56 +0000

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