Those of you who have had a chance to hear one or more of my - TopicsExpress


Those of you who have had a chance to hear one or more of my lectures will remember that I never tire of pointing out that while the pathologically obsessed Palestinophiles and their many left-wing friends keep yapping like asthmatic chihahuas about the allegedly illegal occupation of Judea and Samaria by Israel (which is in fact in no way illegal), they never utter a peep about at least four other really illegal occupations that are still ongoing to this day! Quick recap: 1. Tibet, invaded by China in 1950 and still occupied, 2. the Western Sahara, invaded by Morocco in 1975 and still occupied, 3. Northern Cyprus, invaded by Turkey in 1974 and still occupied, 4. Two provinces of Georgia and one in Ukraine invaded respectively in 2008 and 2014 by the new imperialist Russia and its neo Tsar Putin. In this great article below, the excellent Victor David Hanson reminds us of the brutal Turkish 1974 invasion of Northern Cyprus and following colonization with massive importation of Turkish nationals (which make it a textbook case violation of Art. 49, par. 6 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Time of War that the aforementioned severely obsessed Palestinophiles spend most of their awake time to accuse Israel of. Er… No. Not exactly. Look at Turkey instead and you will see who violates international law on a grand scale, although way behind the Palestinians, of course, who are the world champions in the field, although theyve encountered some severe competition in this respect lately from the even more primitive, brutal and backward ISIS zealots.) It’s time to wake up and look at the real culprits on the international scene. Israel is way down on the list behind quite a cohort of very unsavory characters (assuming it deserves to be on that list at all, which is extremely questionable). It could be that the time has come to kick Turkey out of NATO from whose values it is distancing itself more every day, and include Israel instead. Turkey is slipping into Islamist barbarism, and it doesn’t belong at all in the European family it once dreamed to join. Behavior matters more than words. Turkey is turning into an outlaw country and it’s time to cut the last embarrassing ties the west still has with this retrograde nation. The Turks voted massively in favor of Erdogan? Fine. They can keep him. We don’t want either him or them. washingtontimes/news/2014/aug/13/hanson-occupation-hypocrisy/?page=all
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:12:51 +0000

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