Those that are tagged, its up to you if you want to state facts - TopicsExpress


Those that are tagged, its up to you if you want to state facts about yourself publicly... Some facts about me nominated by MoAnah Johnson Mataia ... 1. Born and raised in New Zealand. Parents are a mixture of nationalities. 2. I am goofy and i laugh at my own jokes. Seriously :-! 3. My mum is my best friend & my dads my wrestling boxing partner lol straight up. 4. I was born and raised with Melza Vehikite we are exactly alike, hang with us for 5 mins and you wouldnt spot any differences. We are twins in spirit. 5. I am stubborn and determined to stay single and a vegan until the right man pursues me. No joke. 6. I am a born again Christian but i am humble to the core - if you fight with me i will hug you then tell you wassup but dont mess with my knowledge. 7. I am not a snob and i dont like it when people i know snob me, i sometimes block them on facebook (truestory) lmao. B-) 8. In primary my teacher put me as ref for the soccer team. The yellow team thought i was being bias so he started getting smart and staying things that werent necessary so he wanted to fight then his whole team came against me and I smashed each and everyone of them. We had to write a letter saying sorry hahaha. since then Ive never spoken to him lol. 9. I love meeting new people and getting to know them before any assumptions. 10. I cant stand people who think they know it all and dont want to listen. Also dont like it when peps head are too high. 11. Sometimes when Im bored i will day dream and laugh at my past mistakes or just re-visualise something funny i have seen. 12. Im good with money and planning also kids and more. 13.I tend to put others first then get lectured to do me, i feel selfish. 14. I will go to the extreme to prove my point, especially if I know the other persons wrong. 15. I cannot tolerate negative people sometimes, Im positive so dont be surprised if we arent friends. The vibe is contagious. 16. Ive learnt so much in my 20 years of life and it annoys me that people underestimate my knowledge. 17. I once tried to suicide then cried out to Jesus for help and he saved me from myself no delays the moment was perfect! 18. My statuses are purely whats on my mind so thanks to everyone for the compliments. 19. I love my job, as hectic as it is - the people and environment change the atmosphere TYJ. 20. It takes ages for me to get over a bad past lol. 21. I feel awkward talking to guys, probably because i was mainly raised around girls. Idk why lol.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 10:51:08 +0000

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