Those who have tasted the nectar of chanting the holy name do not - TopicsExpress


Those who have tasted the nectar of chanting the holy name do not care for any other spiritual bliss or for material comforts: The Bhagavad-gita (5.22) states that those who are intelligent never delight in sense pleasures because they understand how it always ends in misery. This verse indicates that we need a functional or healthy intelligence to understand how sense pleasures end in misery. Just as regular physical exercise is essential to keep our body healthy, regular intellectual exercise is essential to keep our intelligence healthy. What is the exercise for keeping our intelligence healthy? It is unsentimental contemplation on the fate of sense pleasure. A valuable contemplation tool for making our intelligence fit is the acronym FIT (Futility, Insubstantiality, Temporality) that encompasses the three possible fates of pursuing sense pleasure 1. Futility: Lust masquerading as love may induce within us the desire for a particular spouse. That person rejects us outright, thereby bursting the bubble of our fantasies in one go, with one unbearable prick. 2. Insubstantiality: That person accepts our proposal and formalizes the relationship, but then we discover that some essential and irreformable incompatibilities exist between us. We are left to watch in helpless dismay as the bubble of our dreams deflates and disappears. 3. Temporality: That person satisfies our heart to some extent, thereby inflating the bubble of our expectations, but then an untimely demise bursts heart-wrenchingly the giant bubble of our hopes. As these three possibilities are exhaustive and as all of them end in frustration, we can safely infer that sense pleasure is an unavoidably doomed prospect. When we become firmly convinced of this inference, then we can seek unhesitatingly and savor undistractedly the supreme happiness that Gita wisdom offers: the happiness of loving Krishna. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 05 Text 22 ye hi saṁsparśa-jā bhogā duḥkha-yonaya eva te ādy-antavantaḥ kaunteya na teṣu ramate budhaḥ “Lord Krishna Said: An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kunti, such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does not delight in them.” Material sense pleasures are due to the contact of the material senses, which are all temporary because the body itself is temporary. A liberated soul is not interested in anything which is temporary. Knowing well the joys of transcendental pleasures, how can a liberated soul agree to enjoy false pleasure? In the Padma Purāṇa it is said: ramante yogino nante satyānanda-cid-ātmani iti rāma-padenāsau paraṁ brahmābhidhīyate The mystics derive unlimited transcendental pleasures from the Absolute Truth, and therefore the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is also known as Rāma. In the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam also it is said: nāyaṁ deho deha-bhājāṁ nṛ-loke kaṣṭān kāmān arhate viḍ-bhajāṁ ye tapo divyaṁ putrakā yena sattvaṁ śuddhyed yasmād brahma-saukhyaṁ tv anantam. My dear sons, there is no reason to labor very hard for sense pleasure while in this human form of life; such pleasures are available to the stool-eaters [hogs]. Rather, you should undergo penances in this life by which your existence will be purified, and, as a result, you will be able to enjoy unlimited transcendental bliss. (Bhāg. 5.5.1) Therefore, those who are true yogīs or learned transcendentalists are not attracted by sense pleasures, which are the causes of continuous material existence. The more one is addicted to material pleasures, the more he is entrapped by material miseries. Get yourself drowned in ocean of Chanting of Mahamantra, instead of money & wealth. When we understand our relationship with God then we all will be happy. It is an essential factor for establishing peace in the world. Joy can only be experienced when we offer our love to Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Gurudeva ... All glories to Srila Prabhupada ... Always think of the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna and you will find no difficulties in executing the tasks allotted to you by Krishna. As you clap your hands in praise for success, similarly clap your hands in Sankirtan movement of Holy Names. Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krishna, which is feared by fear personified. — Srimad Bhagavatam, 01.01.15. Chant these names with love and you will feel the ecstasy: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare ... हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे || हरे राम हरे राम राम राम हरे हरे|| Hare Krishna ... Jay Jagannath ... ~~ Bhakta Sanjay https://facebook/groups/harekrishnaharerama/
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 05:55:47 +0000

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