♚♥♚ Though and prayer: Ps. 16:7. I will bless the Lord - TopicsExpress


♚♥♚ Though and prayer: Ps. 16:7. I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night season . God often gives us, His counsel when we grow quiet enough to listen to Him while in bed or getting ready for sleep. We must be ready to listen at all times, because He may be ready to speak at any time. Father God, Jesus , Holy Spirit. I bring before each of your saints. Today may have been a hard day, painful day, sad, lonely day. One of disappointment, anger, confused , broken , one of sickness , one feeling rejected. Lord u know what kind of day each one had. Thats why I Love u so .. U know all , see all. Understand all things. U understand us. Some had a happy, joyful day , even a busy day. Father, I thank u that whatever case of a day each one had, u r always ready with a open ear. Thank u for today and thank u for this night. Jesus, as each of your beloved one is now, n there own place and takes the time to come before u n a quiet time before u. U instruct us. That we would take the time to receive counsel from u, being through your word and talking with u and just being quiet, to listen what u have for each one of us tonight before going to sleep. Just knowing and hearing a word from u is all we need. Holy Spirit I ask that as we come to u and bring all of our worries, hopes, fears, needs, request. That we in return would ask what u, would want of us. Bring peace, comfort, joy, strength. Reassure us that u r with us, through your grace and power. Give those that need your wisdom, your knowledge, lead those that r lost. Redirect those that cant find their way n the right path. Guide those that need, your guidelines n your guidance. That each of us would just b still and know that u r God. Thank u Holy Spirit that u do come when we put our trust n u, for u r with us our counsel.. Thank u Father God, that u r, Our Father who is n heaven. Thy Kingdom come, thy will b done, on earth as it is n heaven. Thank u my, Jesus, for with out u, we r nothing, and because of u, we have access to our Father,. Thank u Holy Spirit that u live, and is sealed n each believer that makes a home for u n our hearts, that is alive and well. I ask u Father this for your saints,. That tomorrow will b a greater, God given day. In Jesus graceful, merciful name amen. Love u all. ♡♚♡
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 03:21:16 +0000

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