Thoughts For The Week - Be Grateful What You Have We need to - TopicsExpress


Thoughts For The Week - Be Grateful What You Have We need to train our mind to see the good and also discipline ourselves to focus on the positive. Many people dont realize the reason theyre not happy. The reason they are not enjoying life is simply because they have trained their minds to worry, to complain, to see the negative but just as we can form these negative mindsets we can also form positive mindsets. One of the main keys to developing this habit of happiness is we have to learn how to stay grateful, we have to learn to focus on what is right rather than what is wrong. We need to understand that the seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart, if you are not happy today, if you are down or when youre tempted to get discouraged the quickest way out of that is to stop focusing on what you dont have and start thanking God for what you have. Find some reason to be grateful, being grateful will get you out of depression and discouragement, being grateful can help turn a relationship around, it can save a marriage. It is amazing what happens when we stop focusing on somebody’s faults, when we stop complaining about what they are doing wrong and instead focus on the good and start showing appreciation. People like to be around grateful people, they are drawn to people that are appreciative and thankful. When we get up in the morning, before we think about our problems, we need to start the day off with a grateful attitude. The first thing we should do is to thank God that we are alive, thank God that we are healthy, thank God for our job, our friends and our family. I have found you cannot go through the day negative and depressed as long as you have a spirit of thanksgiving in your heart. Even if circumstances prove otherwise still be grateful for what you do have, do you realize that some people would love to have what you have? I heard of a very rich man who had more money that we could ever imagine but the problem was he didnt have a good health. He spent years going from hospital to hospital trying different kinds of treatment, do you know how much he would have given to be well and healthy like anyone? He would have given it all. You may not have everything you want, but keep it in perspective if you have your health you are extremely wealthy, if you can walk, you can talk, you can think, you can see, you have something that a billion dollars could not even buy. Dont take for granted the fact that you were able to get out of bed this morning without any assistance, when you opened your eyes you were able to see, when you told your legs to walk they obeyed, you had too much to eat and drink. If you have a hard time trying to sleep and you are frustrated, think about others that dont even have a bed. If you get stuck in traffic and instead of getting upset think about the people that dont have a car or maybe you have a tough day at the office and instead of letting it ruin the rest of your week think about the people who don’t even have a job who will be happy to be in traffic and go to work. When we find some reason to give thanks and be grateful, that is the key to living a happy life. Our circumstances may be up and down, people dont always do whats right disappointments come but this is just part of life. But if we can train our minds to see the good and always find some reason to be grateful then we are going to live happy and enjoy our lives. The Scripture tells us in I Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks. Notice it doesnt say to give thanks for everything it says in everything, in other words, ‘God in spite of what has happened, I am going to choose to be grateful, Im not going to focus on what is wrong I am going to find something positive in my life’. ‘I maybe sick but Father I just want thank you today for giving me a great family’. ‘I may be struggling, I may not get the position I wanted but thank God I am able to see another sunrise’. We may have difficult situations but we have to discipline ourselves not to focus on the negative which is where our mind naturally wants to go. We have to realize that every day is a gift from God; once this day is gone we can never get it back, how do we choose to live it? Happy? Grateful? Enthusiastic? Or are we going to go through the day negative? Discouraged? Focusing on your problems? What you dont have and who hurt you? No! Get away from that junk and find some reason to be grateful. Too often we are not grateful for something until its almost taken away and when we get it back we have a new appreciation for it. If we have the right attitude we can stay full of joy even if things don’t go our way. My prayer is that God will give us a spirit of contentment. Focusing on the good and not taking things for granted but treating each day as unique and irreplaceable. Life is fragile, each day is a gift, don’t take people for granted, don’t focus on whats wrong find some reasons to be grateful. Remember the seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart. If you get up every morning and thank God for that day and go through the day in that grateful attitude, always focusing on the good, you will be happy, rise higher and live a life of victory.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 21:30:49 +0000

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