“Thoughts come and go, you are the host. Thoughts are the guests - TopicsExpress


“Thoughts come and go, you are the host. Thoughts are the guests - they come and stay for a while, take a little rest, take food, or stay overnight, and then they are gone. “ (Osho – Compassion) Sometimes, waves in the ocean rise furiously and fast and at other times they recede serenely. On occasion they become one with the ocean and they can no longer even be seen. Similarly, our inner self is the ocean and our thoughts the waves. We cannot become one with our thoughts when they get noisy, letting them sweep us away in their tumultuous and giddy chaos. Allow them to stay for too long and you get too involved with them. Like a spoilt child, they get louder and bolder when they recognize that they have your full attention. As you’d ignore a child who is being unruly and throwing a tantrum to get them on the right path, refuse to go along with them wherever they wish to take you. Instead, your job is to stand by and observe them rise and fall. Try doing that and watch them quiet down to merge with the calm dignity of your enlightened and eternal consciousness. Initially when you commence ignoring them, they will throw even bigger tantrums doing their utmost to grab your attention. But if you stay aware and determined, they eventually get the message and let you be. They dissolve into nothingness.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 03:53:29 +0000

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