Three university students with equivalent intelligence and - TopicsExpress


Three university students with equivalent intelligence and backgrounds had appointments to see their career counsellor. “What do you expect from your career?” the counsellor asked the first student. “I’m a realist. The best I can hope for is to get a job, any job, and slog away for the next 40 years until I retire,” replied the first student. “What do you expect from your career?” the counsellor asked the second student. “I’m a realist. I think that I have the talent to find a reasonably fulfilling career and if I put my head down and work hard, I should be reasonably successful,” he replied. “What do you expect from your career?” the counsellor asked the third student. “I have grand ideas and bold dreams. I want to build businesses, create jobs for others, create innovative solutions to problems, make a difference in the world and make a lot of money along the way!” she enthusiastically replied. “Is that realistic?” quizzed the counsellor. “Of course,” she said with a smile. The three students went on to graduate with similar marks and started their careers. The first student considered himself lucky to get a job offer and trudged into an office for the next 40 years. He was laid off a few times, but soon found a similar meaningless job to go to. He hated going to work. The second student found an entry level job and worked hard, soon climbing through the ranks to a management job. He enjoyed work and found it reasonably fulfilling. The third student followed her dreams. She created a fantastic business, went through some ups and downs, persisted, worked at becoming elite in her areas of strength and loved every minute of the adventure. They were all realists. They were all correct in their predictions. My question to you is, what are you realistic about? Be careful before you answer, because what you think is possible has a habit of becoming your reality.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 09:49:11 +0000

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