Time to the social work interview on my frontal lobe again. I - TopicsExpress


Time to the social work interview on my frontal lobe again. I wonder when will i get another straight 2 days off. Its always fun when its two days together. dont get that much from my work. All Games Shut Down. Professional RN for few days again. and oh I forgot about brainstorming that presentation I have to collaborate with my colleague and apply a CEU for it before presentation. And yeah broke again, nothing new. Ill have to pick up shifts and yes I can now because i found my executional enabler pills. and forgetting about thanksgiving, my worked tricked me for working thanksgiving eve and then back on black friday morning. oh well, guess its good for me since i dont have to spend money. too many things I did but the important ones e.g. my eye, dental, and family doctors appt were completely missed and have to reschedule again. and my PayFlex card hasnt arrived yet and its almost the end of the year. I need to use it to pay for my copays I dont want to go to such ordeal of submitting claims for qualifying healthcare costs. thats too much work. Id rather have it debited directly to my account. and oh I have to see how much the ticket for Australia this January today and see if its affordable enough just maybe a week and a half. if not a 7 day cruise ship will have to be planned early next year. too much stuff. lacking focus. easily distracted. need to cut off some fun and go back to getting things done in life e.g my board certification exam for psych RN, getting certified to teach CNAs, going back to school for higher education, paying off debt asap. and reading my long overdue books. alright time for me to stop. Good day face bookers. May you feel the sunlight today and feel the warmth of nature and understand that everything happens for a reason and that there are things that you dont need to understand but it happens and let it be for understanding will come when the universe says that its time for you to understand. Live life. Take charge. take risk. be foolish. make mistakes. dont be afraid. and be the real you that you wanted to be. remember its emotionally draining and emotionally costly to be a phony person. if you let your real self shine and not afraid to be judge by people, people around you will have no choice but to let their true self reveal to you too. they cant help themselves but to be real around you. cuz the real you will make the people around you be real and they cant help that. plus no body wants to be with a phony person. and its repulsive to be with a phony person and trust me its obvious that your not being your true self. its really obvious. so trust the universe and strive for the best. and its nice to go back to bed tonight knowing that you did your best in every situation and every opportunity that life has given you today. I always say this to people, Life is too much suffering, and thats why I always like to have fun. but sometimes some people hate being around with happy people, idk why but it happens. Just ignore them and dont let them affect you. after all, its not you thats suffering, its them and its completely their choice not yours. alright Ill stop here abruptly. STOP. =>
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:33:58 +0000

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