Tinas Tip of the Day: Dont lose the barrel race before you go down - TopicsExpress


Tinas Tip of the Day: Dont lose the barrel race before you go down the Alley: MENTAL GAME: MENTAL TOUGHNESS; a famous quote you have probably heard before is: “Success is when preparation meets opportunity!” #1 Set REALISTIC GOALS, setting your expectations to high, like I have to win money today, leads to tension in mind and body & you won’t ride as well. It would be better to think about 2 goals before your run & as you head to the alley, like your spot to ride to or use your legs. #2 Have CONFIDENCE in yourself & your horse. Instead of being reactive if something goes wrong in your warm up, or in your run, be PROACTIVE & stay in the moment & be positive on your next move! #3 IGNORE THE HOOPLA, sometimes at a big event you can get too nervous, it’s ok to have pre game jitters or excitement, turn your focus on your goals, be in your ZONE and clear all outside matters from your mind! #4 ISSUES IN PERSONAL LIFE can affect your competition if you let it! Remember, this is what you do because you are passionate about it, so when you are there remember you love it, dream it, breathe it and now are here to live it, don’t let anything take that from you! It is your FUN, your JOY! #5 OVERTHINKING, by overthinking you ride mechanical and stiff due to the tension you have built up in your mind and body, your horse can feel it too! It is best to just relax, trust in your training & game plan and LET it happen! Keep your mind on just 1 or 2 goals a drag out from your run, & as you approach the alleyway and remember breathing slow in & out helps the body & mind relax! #6 WORRYING ABOUT THE OUTCOME: When you get too worried about winning money, points for yearend or beating your last personal best time, you get too caught up in the expectations! You can’t stay relaxed & focused on what matters like just having a good smooth run! If you do the things you have trained to do, like the correct cues, then everything will fall into place. Learn to worry about what you CAN control not what you can’t! #7 Have a GAME PLAN, to execute your best run, you must have a game plan, prepare with your coach during the week to develop your strengths & improve and weaknesses, then at the event check the ground conditions, where the timers and barrel stakes are & have a game plan how you will warm up, approach the alley & plan in the arena. #8 PSYCHING YOURSELF OUT, don’t compare yourself to other competitors or try to run like someone else, TRUST the run you have developed for you & your horse. Replace negative thoughts with positive & visualize your perfect run from beginning to end. #9 WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK: Sometimes people worry about what others may think of them, they want to be respected or fit it. It doesn’t help your run, it adds stress to it! Learn to block that out, after all, it’s your life, you only get 1 so make it count for YOU! Follow your HEART! #10 FEAR OF FAILURE: Sometimes fear of losing or making mistakes in your run can lead to more tension in your mind and body, it will affect your attitude and your focus. You must let go of trying to be perfect & fear of losing, & replace that with thoughts of confidence in executing your goals in your run. Expectations & Your Mental Game, the hardest part of barrel racing for Open Riders is Mental Game! We often we set high expectations because of a recent win or winning in a certain pen or event & we go in there riding to win in lieu of running our race! I ride about 7 horses a day, each needs different cues & timing, I believe if you make your run with your focus on being correct & smooth in your cues, timing & position you will make a better run. Also, horses are sensitive creatures & they can feel the pressure when all we want is to go fast & win, they do better when you learn your horse & ride for your horses emotional wellbeing & not for yourself! More Mental Game: Who do you run barrels for? I am often surprised when people tell me they worry about what others think or being judged. I suppose age has taught me to live life for me and what matters in my life. RIDING WITH HEART is putting the horse first, and the competition 2nd, but giving it your BEST when you compete. There is always something to fix or a timing or position thing I could of done better in a run but I try to always be happy with the outcome, as I am just lucky to have horses and live my passion daily, so always keep things in priority. Its suppose to be FUN no matter what your goal is winning a Pro Rodeo, a Super Show, or 4D Championship. On the scale of the world its such a small thing, it should at least bring you joy!!!! I love it because after a long week of training and lessons, sometimes by Friday I am spent and thinking, do I really want to go barrel racing or rest but once I get there and especially after the thrill of running, I am so HAPPY I went! I race for me and I love horses and feel blessed every day to live this life. Getting in the ZONE:Getting in the zone means being in the moment, and being in the moment means youre not thinking about whats happened in the past, and youre not worried about whats going to happen in the future. You are in the moment. You are reacting at an unconscious, instinctive level to whats going on around you. Theres no conscious thought processing of whats happening.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:52:41 +0000

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