Tips for a Successful School Year ►Get back into a - TopicsExpress


Tips for a Successful School Year ►Get back into a routine. Establish consistent waking times and morning routines to get out the door on time. Set bedtimes that allow elementary school-aged children to get 10-12 hours of sleep and teens 8-9 hours of sleep. ►Re-assess extracurricular activities yearly. Watch out for over-scheduling. Talk with your child and sign up for those she truly enjoys and thinks is really important. [For more ideas, go to scholastic/parents/resources/article/extracurricular-activities/best-bets-after-school] ►Get your child organized. Set up a regular homework time and a quiet workspace. Establish homework rules – Put away the phone; Do the hardest thing first; When all the work is done, load up the backpack for tomorrow and place it by the door. ►Get yourself organized. Transfer all significant dates (random days off, school picture day, sporting events, music lessons, holiday concerts, teacher conferences) to a master calendar. Plan time off from work (especially in September, December, and June) to attend school events and concerts. ►Reach out and connect with your child’s teachers. Introduce yourself and learn about the class activities and expectations. Build a positive bond with the teachers that will last the entire year. Having a pleasantly solid parent-teacher relationship from the start can make dealing with difficult issues later in the year easier.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:54:38 +0000

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