#TipsToProjectConfidence Maintain eye contact. Looking - TopicsExpress


#TipsToProjectConfidence Maintain eye contact. Looking someone in the eye comes naturally when you’re feeling comfortable and confident, but if you’re nervous you might find yourself surveying the room in the middle of a sentence. If you want to project confidence, you have to break this bad habit. Whenever you’re speaking or she’s speaking, look at her face! Remember to look away during pauses in conversation to avoid seeming like a stalker. Upgrade your wardrobe. Logically, then, our next tip to project confidence concerns upgrading your wardrobe. Ditch the baggy jeans and the oversize suits, and invest in some quality pieces that fit you properly. When you feel good about your appearance, you’ll naturally project confidence. Understand that you don’t have to blow your savings upgrading your entire wardrobe all at once. Start by putting together the pieces for two killer outfits: one for the club, and one for your first date with the girl you’re going to meet at the club. Speak clearly and confidently. Our next tip to project confidence is about speaking clearly and confidently. This doesn’t mean being a loudmouth; don’t talk over people or interrupt them like a jackass, but whenever you’re speaking, speak a little louder than you normally would. If people have to ask you to repeat yourself, you’re not projecting confidence. Also, try to reduce conversational clutter. Resist the urge to qualify every statement you make and cut back on irritating verbal tics, like saying “you know” after every sentence. Compliment. This one might seem counterintuitive: A lot of guys think projecting confidence means drawing attention to themselves and away from others. In reality, complimenting others on their appearance, on a funny story they told or on an accomplishment they’ve shared not only indicates that you’re a gentleman, but it also subtly communicates that you are in a position to evaluate others. Giving compliments shows that you’ve done things, you know things and that you’re a good judge of character. Dont mention money. Lots of men try to project confidence by showing off. Typically this means telling a girl all about the new Audi they just bought or the sweet loft they rent downtown. Here’s the thing: Those men are idiots. Nothing turns a woman off faster than a man gloating about how much money he makes. Bragging about things you own -- cars, houses, clothes, and so on -- will make you seem self-conscious. And besides, just for kicks, let’s say the size of your bank account does turn a girl on once in a while. Smile. People smile when they’re comfortable and having a good time. People smile when they’re happy and having fun. That’s the guy with whom women want to associate. The brooding, serious-looking guy doesn’t look approachable. See that guy who’s always showing off his pearly whites? Notice how he always seems to be in a good mood? That’s the guy women want to be around.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:33:24 +0000

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