Title: Priscilla and Aquila Apostle T. Vutabwashe Main Word: - TopicsExpress


Title: Priscilla and Aquila Apostle T. Vutabwashe Main Word: Romans 16v3 – 4 John 10:1 They are now so many people who can come and speak Is the same person prepared to say it before your man of God In this ministry Apostle is the door? I have seen so many people being manipulated. If that person is sincere they will show you what he or she is after each house must have a door. Prophesy is not on sale anointing is not on sale. I speak to so many ministries I first talk to the Man or woman in charge of you any other way that is a thief or robber. -From the scripture Paul is writing to the Romans and he said Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ. This became part of what is called the inspired word; the reason was on the forth verse which says they laid down their lives for mine. Aquila and Priscilla could do everything; use every resource at their disposal to make sure that the word of God was moving along well. -Giving as a couple is not an easy task! In most families it is one partner of the family who gives. The time of giving is a time that does not pass away without disagreements. - There is a record in Bible that Dorcas was a giver. There is evidence that Marry Magadarine gather a team to give to Christ. It is surprising to note that all these ladies where single. -The book of Genesis was written by Moses who was born in the book of Exodus. Moses wrote it through revelation. He could search in the spirit and see how things were before. When he was searching through revelation, it’s amazing he saw Noah and his sons but could not see the wife of Noah. -Abraham in his walk with God he was afraid of Sarah. She was his stumbling block every way he was about to do God duties. Sarah was also selfish, she did not cook for God and the Angels until God had to ask of her. Abraham did all the cooking whilst Sarah remained in the tent. -There is a difficulty in finding a completely giving couple; it is actually a miracle to find one; it’s either the husband serves God or it is the wife. - I pray for a certain couple today, that the grace of serving God will be simultaneously upon you. -Job was a giver but the wife was not. Job’s wife was so bad to the extent of advising Job curse God. Instead of joining Job to serve God she wanted him to curse God. -It seems like it’s easy to give when you are single than when you are married. It seems like the devil sure not givers meet to block their prosperity. The devil understands it that if a couple is not a giving couple; they will take long to reach the pinnacle of success. - The Shunamite is another example. The woman was proposing everything to be done to Elisha but the husband was quiet. Even when the child was about to die, he sent him to her wife. That is how always it is. It is either the husband serves God or the wife. -May God give the grace in you to your partner; so that you become joint forces in serving him and be prosperous. -There are certain individuals right now who are stealing money from their partners to come and give. What is it that the devil saw that if you give as a couple will happen to you? Let me give you the answer. The devil understands that a giving couple is unstoppable; it achieves whatever it starts. -David was coming from war and he passed through a rich man’s house. He asked for water at this house but they refused to give him. It is not always the cases that couples do not give because they don’t have. In some cases they do not give because they lack a giving spirit. -Aquila and Priscilla were tent makers as Paul used to. They were actually converted to become Christians before Paul. Theologians are now coming up with researches which are showing that the book of Hebrews was written by Aquila. Because she was a woman people of that time could not acknowledge her. - If you read the book of Ephesians verse 18 downwards, Paul wrote that chapter referencing to the couple Aquila and Priscilla. -There is a spirit that is fighting couples to do things together. Most couples do not want to do things differently even in the church. Some even get into the church using different doors. A truck driver is now recommended to travel with a wife. If a truck driver is now required to travel with a wife how about you. - Most couples when everything is okay you don’t acknowledge the anointing. When things go hey wire, you come running. You begin getting extra revelations that the anointing works. - Priscilla and Aquila where made the role model of couples of that time and to come because they were serving God. -If you are a man don’t reach a level where your wife can acknowledge that you are stingy. This simply means that no one will help you because it’s your wife who is supposed to help you. When she has accepted that you are stingy, you are in a helpless situation. -This is what has caused most stagnancy in most marriage. Work together in doing God’s duties and see your life changing for the best. -The devil has no power to inflict anything on you unless he discovers that there is a certain level of disobedience in you. When he discover that your position is not right he can attack you. -In most cases when you see one partner coming with tithe it’s not because the other one is busy or something it is because of a disagreement. -Some of the scriptures you read Paul could run out of ink whilst writing them and he could cut his hand and use his blood as the ink. That is why you hear him saying I wrote these words with my own blood. Don’t pray with the practicality of the Gospel. - I don’t know how the devil planned it that couples do not work together in the things of God. -Some of the battles you are not fighting through giving now, you are still going to fight them when you are old. Fight them now when you still have strength of your youth. - I know you are not comfortable in hearing what I am saying now but I have nothing to do. I will say it because I have to help you. - Giving makes you carry heavy loads as if they are not. A 1000 litres of fuel can be held in a pocket if you convert them into coupons. It is the same with giving reduces the weight of everything that you do. -When a funeral has happened in your family you don’t take time to agree. But when it is something that concerns your future, you disagree. It is because as blacks we are used to sorrow than happiness. - Agree to serve God. Unless there is an agreement you shall succeed in whatever you do. -Come let us stand we need to pray. I need God to give you the grace of working together as a couple.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 04:43:46 +0000

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