To: Americans everywhere; From: John Porter; October - TopicsExpress


To: Americans everywhere; From: John Porter; October 17, 2013 We, the American people, are being talked down to by many in Washington and the media as though we are unlearned children. So many are playing blame games with the truth it is causing us to lose complete faith in what we are being told. We have become no more than pawns on the chess board of party politics. The answer to Who shut down the Federal Government was so politically important for 3 weeks it over shadowed the giant disaster to freedom confronting us all, Obamacare and the establishment of Socialism in this nation. An honest answer, to anything, is so hard to come by if asked of a politician. Since I am not, I will here present you the facts in answering the question of Who shut down the government? Who, mind you, not why, that is for another writing. As Thomas Sowell said, Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward as the question of who shut down the Federal Government, the answers are completely the opposite, depending on whether you are asking a Republican or a Democrat. To heck with the truth, they are running for re-election and seeking more power. Lets you and I examine a few facts and make up our own minds in answering that question for ourselves. There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican controlled House of Representatives voted every dollar required to keep all government activities, every department and program, running.....except what has become known as Obamacare. This is not a matter of opinion, but fact. You can check the Congressional Record. And the irony is, Obamacare is such a mess it isnt running anyway. That is a fact. As for the right of the House of Representatives to grant or withhold money (funding), that is not an opinion either. You may check the United States Constitution. All bills requiring the spending of money from the public treasury must originate in that government body. Which means that the people serving in the Congressional House has a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity. That is a fact. Whether Obamacare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion. Obamacare is indeed the law of the land, as stated by its supporters, even though a great many, including the president and all of congress doesnt have to obey it, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality. That is a fact. But the whole point of having a division of powers within the Federal Government is that each branch can decide what it wants to do or not do when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution, regardless of what the other branches do. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. Those hundreds of thousands of government workers werent laid off because the House of Representatives didnt vote enough money to pay their salaries or, for that matter, pay all the expenses of their agencies, unless they are in an agency that would administer Obamacare. That is not an opinion, that is a fact. The House of Representatives voted on and passed a budget that funded every dollar needed to run everything that the government does, except for Obamacare. That is a fact. We cannot say who, if anybody, WANTED to shut the government down. But we do know who had the option to keep the government running and chose not to. The United States Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, chose not to allow the Senate body to vote to authorize one dollar of that budget to be spent, because it did not include money for Obamacare, and President Obama publicly stated he would not even negotiate it. Thats not an opinion. That is a fact. Senator Reid and President Obama refused to accept the money required to keep the government running as usual, because it left out the money they wanted to run Obamacare, that is their right. That is a fact. But by doing so, it also made it their responsibility that the government was not running as usual. That is not an opinion. That is a fact. Both Harry Reid and Barack Obama said they want a clean bill, meaning everything they wanted. That is a fact. They cannot rightfully blame a shut down on other people for not giving them everything they wanted. And it is fraud to blame them when they refused to use the money they did vote to spend, especially when it was ample to pay for everything else in the government. That is a fact. Now just a few words of fact on the debt ceiling. How many times have you heard the term default? We are being told many times a day that we will default on our national debt if the debt ceiling is not raised. That is not true. Because the government was partially shut down and the debt ceiling was not raised doesnt mean that the money coming in to the Treasury was also shut down. The money continued to flow in, uninterrupted, in the amount of $220 billion a month. That is a fact. The interest on our national debt is $30 billion a month. That is a fact. If the debt ceiling is not raised it does not mean we cant pay the interest on our existing debt. It only means that government is not allowed to run up new debt. You are not in default when you pay your interest. The U. S. Treasury has the right and authority to prioritize the payment of existing debt. Do you know, Woodrow Wilson borrowed $30 billion dollars to finance WWI 95 years ago and we are still paying the interest on that debt. Not one thin dime has ever been paid on the principle. That is a fact. The U. S. Treasury is obligated to pay Social Security, Medicare, and Interest on the Debt. Two hundred twenty billion dollars per month pays all of that and much more. That is a fact. None of this is rocket science. But the Republicans failed get their side of the story out because, as we all know, articulation has never been their strong suit, the lies won. More importantly, the whole country lost once again. Once again, our nations huge cancer was given another blood transfusion. Not one single thing was done toward trying to cure the cancer. Come January and February the president and congress, the doctors, will return to the patients bedside. Once again president Obama and his Liberal members of congress will offer up another transfusion, while the more Conservative members of congress will attempt cure treatments. Out of all probability, another transfusion will be administered at that time, and thus so on until the patient finally dies from her cancer of overspending and debt. My precious fellow American citizens, you and I hire the doctors. in less than one year, if the patient of freedom can survive that much longer, we will once again have an opportunity to hire doctors. Every individual must search his or her own soul and ask yourself, Where does the blame actually lie? Do I really care enough about the patient of freedom to hire new doctors? Do I care enough to protest at the top of my voice with all the breath in my lungs on behalf of this sick and dying patient, or am I afraid of what my firends may think of me, or am I just too busy? Do I care enough to sacrifice myself upon the alter of freedom? Do I love her enough to help her get better treatment? May God bless America. Please forward to all you wish. Until next time: John Porter 118 Approach Drive Harrison, Arkansas 72601 870-741-4119 [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 02:39:25 +0000

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