To: The International Criminal Court, Member States & World - TopicsExpress


To: The International Criminal Court, Member States & World Leaders, We the Citizens of the world, from all faiths, creeds and those of no faith, demand enforcement of the rule of law to address the godless, lawless murderous pack terrorising Syria, Iraq and threatening other nations under the banner of ISIS, ISIL or Islamic state. We the people of the world have not witnessed such vulgar, repugnant unspeakable acts in decades if not centuries. These atrocities by far surpass the hideous crimes of the Nazi’s under the leadership of Hitler. The media is a awash with reports of various world leaders contemplating a response while the wholesale slaughter of fellow humans continues unabated. This is position is totally untenable, it exposes and highlights the total ineffectiveness of the United Nations, NATO and world powers. It is reprehensible in this day and age the world super powers shun their duty and responsibility when it is most called for. To that end we the citizens of the world demand the immediate commencement of proceedings in “The International Criminal court”. As you are all aware “The International Criminal Court” (ICC), is governed by the Rome Statute. It is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminal court established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. Given the jurisdiction and responsibilities of the court, We the Citizens of the world can’t fathom a situation that qualifies for an immediate trial as the current situation In Iraq and Syria. By the weakest of descriptions, what we have witnessed emanating from Iraq in the media perfectly fits the test to qualify for legal proceedings “to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community” Given that the ICC is an independent international organisation, and is not part of the United Nations system it is appropriate that OPEN arrest warrants be issued for all those involved in the unrestrained barbarism occurring in Syria and Iraq Given the media reports on the atrocities committed to date, the group known as ISIS and their supporters and funders must face the appropriate charges. 1. Blasphemy against Islam. They must be charged for humiliating and embarrassing to Islam as stated by the president of Indonesia. They must be held to account for tarnishing the image, reputation and image of Islam. Our petition for immediate proceedings is affirmed by Egypts top Muslim cleric who condemed the Islamic State in Iraq for its bloody rampage across Iraq and Syria. Grand Mufti Shawki Allam said the extremist group has tarnished the image of Islam and is violating its most sacred principles. He also called the group a terrorist organization whose atrocities could lead to the destruction of Muslim nations. Allam called for an international and regional response to the terrorist threat, saying the Arab worlds future is facing a hard test.. There is no more appropriate forum to hold these people to account other than the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. 2. Crimes against Humanity. There is no person of dignity alive in the world that was not repulsed, shocked and dismayed by the wanton killing of fellow humans, driven by a barbaric and draconian ideology of seeking to conquer and rule the entire world. The images, videos and reports of the killings, method of killing, kidnapping, and abduction of women for rape, torture, execution or sale are all crimes against countless UN human rights charters. They constitute repeated and numerous violations of the Geneva “War Crimes Act 1996”. The perverted assertion that these acts are justified by Islamic Tenets is no defence, mitigation or justification for their acts of “conquer and rule”. MEMBER STATES of INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT • A o Afghanistan o Albania o Andorra o Antigua and Barbuda o Argentina o Australia o Austria • B o Bangladesh o Barbados o Belgium o Belize o Benin o Bolivia o Bosnia and Herzegovina o Botswana o Brazil o Bulgaria o Burkina Faso o Burundi • C o Cambodia o Canada o Cape Verde o Central African Republic o Chad o Chile o Colombia o Comoros o Congo o Cook Islands o Costa Rica o Côte d’Ivoire o Croatia o Cyprus o Czech Republic • D o Democratic Republic of the Congo o Denmark o Djibouti o Dominica o Dominican Republic • E o Ecuador o Estonia • F o Fiji o Finland o France • G o Gabon o Gambia o Georgia o Germany o Ghana o Greece o Grenada o Guatemala o Guinea o Guyana • H o Honduras o Hungary • I o Iceland o Ireland o Italy • J o Japan o Jordan • K o Kenya • L o Latvia o Lesotho o Liberia o Liechtenstein o Lithuania o Luxembourg • M o Madagascar o Malawi o Maldives o Mali o Malta o Marshall Islands o Mauritius o Mexico o Mongolia o Montenegro • N o Namibia o Nauru o Netherlands o New Zealand o Niger o Nigeria o Norway • P o Panama o Paraguay o Peru o Philippines o Poland o Portugal • R o Republic of Korea o Republic of Moldova o Romania • S o Saint Kitts and Nevis o Saint Lucia o Saint Vincent and the Grenadines o Samoa o San Marino o Senegal o Serbia o Seychelles o Sierra Leone o Slovakia o Slovenia o South Africa o Spain o Suriname o Sweden o Switzerland • T o Tajikistan o The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia o Timor-Leste o Trinidad and Tobago o Tunisia • U o Uganda o United Kingdom o United Republic of Tanzania o Uruguay • V o Vanuatu o Venezuela • Z o Zambia
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:26:30 +0000

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