To Whom It May Concern: I was disheartened by what I saw as - TopicsExpress


To Whom It May Concern: I was disheartened by what I saw as one-sided reporting. Change can be uncomfortable and painful, and there will always be a few who do not adjust well or even at all. Yes, there were changes made to the college; yes we lost some wonderful students, teachers and college staff and yes I was sad to see them go. However, the world of education is evolving and RMCAD had to evolve with it or become outdated or even obsolete. You neglected to mention some competitor schools that have also chosen to move to the 8-week model. I also noticed that you neglected to interview any current students at the college. You chose instead to interview two former students who never experienced the changes first hand. They either graduated beforehand, or chose to leave the school before any of the changes were implemented. I too was uncomfortable with the changes that occurred at RMCAD, and I have found myself in awkward positions while navigating some of these changes, and yes RMCAD did a poor job of rolling out the changes and preparing the students for them. I would argue however, that in the long run, the changes have been good for the school and the students and our future. The 8-week courses have been an adjustment, but it’s helping to weed out those who are genuinely serious about their studies. The move to online is also difficult for those of us accustomed to primarily on campus classes, but lets face it, it is cheaper to run online classes. In addition, the school has also been open to feedback regarding moving some of the online courses back to campus. At the end of the day, the school is a business, weather we like to admit it or not. There is nothing wrong with figuring out how to stay viable, looking to find ways to offer a competitive price for students and see to future success by adjusting to an ever changing educational atmosphere. I’m tired of RMCAD’s name getting dragged through the mud because it makes some people uncomfortable. The attention we receive at RMCAD from our professors, the administration staff, the maintenance crew down to the security crew is unparalleled to what I received at bigger universities. RMCAD has taken many steps to stay viable, and many more steps to distinguish themselves among their competition. Some of these steps the student body and the teaching staff were not ready for, and they left because of it. We are now moving forward, but it’s hard to move forward when old wounds are not allowed to heal. I felt I had to speak out about this because allowing this wound to fester will only hurt RMCAD more and in the long run it cheapens my degree and my choice to stick with it.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:34:47 +0000

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