To all my conservative friends who put up with my ranting and - TopicsExpress


To all my conservative friends who put up with my ranting and excessive posting: thank you. Your generosity has allowed us to maintain contact, which I value. I dont necessarily believe that via my overwrought rhetoric I will actually convert you or change your mind. I dont really think youre a pinhead, or a mindless parrot of Fox News, though I believe Ive said both at some time or other. Nor is it likely that youll change my mind, though due to my time as an orthodox evangelical conservative, I developed an understanding of and respect for your considered and deeply held beliefs, even if I no longer share most of them. To have been friends at all, we must have had something in common at some time. It is in honor of these memories that I manage to keep you around, though we may have little of that remaining. I like to think I do not base all my decisions on snap judgments, as Im sure you believe as well. There may come a time when I feel I must block you, if for nothing but my peace of mind. Please know that I did it very reluctantly, and I miss the aspects of commonality that made us friends in the first place. We have reached a place of unprecedented divisiveness in our country, and though I hope it one day will improve, I sincerely doubt that day will come any time soon. Farewell, and may God have mercy on us both. Your liberal elite socialist wealth redistributing ass friend.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 17:25:50 +0000

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