To all my friends (maybe soon to be former friends) I am fed up. - TopicsExpress


To all my friends (maybe soon to be former friends) I am fed up. Everyday I see some of you doing your best, inadvertently maybe, tearing our great country down. I see your posts day after day where you attack our president time after time in the most nasty ways. I dont expect people to not have an opinion but I see the way you do it, and while you offer your opinions about things, I offer this. Instead of the nasty vile crap I see you post, try offering an opinion of your own. Its so easy to post cartoons and things you read that other people write. Stand up for your opinion by offering a true statement from your heart. Quit parroting the crap that the right and the left offers and start being your own politician of sorts. So many of you run down Obama but you dont say anything about the good things he does and you post the bullshit, and I do mean bullshit, that is offered up for you promulgate as your own voice. Have a voice of your own. Make it a fair one without the benefit of someone that just walks into the voting both and marks a check for all Republicans or all Democrats. Let me explain something to you that you may not understand or maybe you are too lazy to try to grasp. Quite being a Facebook fool. Quit liking crap just because it appears to be left wing or right wing and walking away from your computer thinking you are taking stand. Seriously, do you ever look this tripe up to see if its true or not? Do you ever actually take the time to get other opinions? Its not that hard since youre sitting on you ass anyway. The internet is as wonderful a tool as it is the bane of human existence. Use it for good and quite drinking the Facebook cool aid.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:44:57 +0000

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