To all those that shall call immigrants illegals. That would have - TopicsExpress


To all those that shall call immigrants illegals. That would have someone jailed or thrown out because a person lacks the resources and income to come to this country by legal means. Remember that a monument next to Ellis island where many of our ancestors visited on their way to becoming a part of the most thriving country in the world says this, Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. We should keep in mind that we are no different, at a point in our history ostracized by the generalities of our ancestry. I heard it said more than once that America is so great because many of those that are here fought through famine and strife to reach our shore, that we are a nation of some of the brightest and bravest people in the world because our ancestors blood still beats through our bodies. If we decide to close the doors to new ideas and fresh minds we close the door on our countrys foundations. We live in a country founded on the idea of acceptance of all people and we will continue to realize what that truly means. Remember that hatred is easy and love is work and the hatred needs to stop. I know this will not do much to change many, if any of the minds that seek a pure country but I should be shared that many of us out there do not share your ideals. My hope is that people out there who feel the way I feel will share this or something like it and quell the hatred that is growing so rampantly. Thanks, Matthew Thompson
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 02:48:53 +0000

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