To all you singers that use enhancements to boost your voice i say - TopicsExpress


To all you singers that use enhancements to boost your voice i say to you get some proper singing classes!! I sing from the heart and i train my voice daily to get the maximum out of my voice. I do not need a voice enhancer to make my way in the music industry, all i need is a little organ in my throat called a voice box. You want proof that real singing works? How does #1 in Las Vegas and a top 5 chart position in Slovakia grab ya? Some might say that i cant sing certain songs and i agree, some songs are not for some people to sing if it doesnt suit their voice but im always prepared to give it a damn good go!! So in short, use what youre given and sing properly, not in a modified way to make yourself sound good, this DOES NOT make you a real singer!! Finally a shout out to my peeps who use real vocals to make REAL songs Danica Samantha Holland, Veronkia Vespa, Dokta VooDoo, Phoebe Feebz, Different-Strings Skibbereen, Gary Ramsey, Elwyn Rundus, Candia McKormack, Tony Cotter, Ryo Utasato, Ants Frag Thomson, Rebecca Downes, Paul C Torbert, Sally StJohn, Richard Saxon, Joel A Heslop, Simon Cadec, London Mace, Kimmy B Shade, Mo Khojasteh, Katsumi Yoshihara, Kelly Jane, Melody Lea, and Cybertrybe Detroit You guys keep it real and are always committed to making REAL music and using your REAL voices and you guys truly are legends and i respect you all for your contribution. PEOPLE these are the people you need to be looking up to instead of following these computer generated voiceless singers Give them a chance!! They might actually surprise you!! #KeepItReal
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:17:27 +0000

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