To anyone with even half a brain, Obama’s “Arab Spring” is a - TopicsExpress


To anyone with even half a brain, Obama’s “Arab Spring” is a total bust. How do you demand Arab nations abandon their “7th Century” mentality? Even to a casual observer, this continues to be demonstrated by oppressive totalitarian regimes convinced of the purity of Islam, Sharia, women-as-possessions, and beheading as sport. The beloved “Arab Spring” produced a regime change alright; from one despotic Muslim ruler to a different despotic Muslim ruler, with a good chance the replacement is even worse than the other. For this casual observer, the first Despot was at least somewhat amenable to a few of our interests (Egypt and the Sinai Canal/ Libya renouncing WMDs). Now look at what we have. What kind of regime change will occur in he event Assad is toppled? We have a few clues. How do you like the assortment of rebels aligned against Assad? Yet, we continue to search for the “moderate Muslim. For many, it is becoming clear that Democracy and Freedom are not interchangeable terms. The definition of freedom is not a commonly understood concept that cuts across cultural boundaries. The Muslim Brotherhood took rather rapid charge of Egypt until the Generals decided to reign them in. Many Egyptian people had no problem with this. Freedom in the traditional western sense was nowhere to be found. With people willingly trading a secular dictatorship for a strict religious one, it should be obvious that many (most) Egyptians do NOT embrace western values. Question: is Libya any different? Will Syria be? Our most-brilliant-man-in-the-room has not a clue and merrily goes on his way transforming America and , dare I say it, transforming the world. His beloved Muslim replacements continue to express their hatred for all things American and most certainly “death to Israel.” “Law enforcement” problem?? Give me a break. Obama and several like minded western leaders see no problem whatsoever with massive Muslim immigration to their shores. “Man Caused Disaster” and Overseas Contingency Operation” and similar idiotic verbiage will only be tossed on the ash heap of history when the brain is actually engaged and reality is discovered. Americans have no desire for a clash of civilizations. However, we are not sheep, nor are we oblivious to reality. Neo-con warmongering is the least nasty labeling for those of us who have long recognized reality. We are not “Islamophobic,” nor are we wallowing in the politics of fear. Radical Islam and “Moderate” Islam are the same. There are 1.6 BILLION Muslims worldwide. How many do you think embrace western ideology? To be a bit pessimistic, seems to me we have more than our share of Americans who currently believe we are not at all an exceptional nation but have fallen far short of perfection. Jusr ask Obama. Consequently, a prevailing philosophy in those quarters seem to believe that if everything isn’t worth saving than nothing is. This kind of thinking is wrong-headed at best, or at worst represented by low-info types who are mesmerized by Obama blandishments as announced by his teleprompter. Recall, if you will, what happened immediately following 9/11. That was the day when the theory of western comeuppance gave way to reality. The west could be forgiven for not recognizing the enormity of Islamic hatred at that time. After 9/11 we were awakened. I am sure you recall much of the Middle East dancing in the streets because of our loss. What is our excuse now?? Passage of time?? Ever hear the phrase, “Those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it”? Of course, we can all hope for the best possible outcome but I submit we should prepare now for the worst. World War? Containment? Restriction/Elimination of Muslim immigration, enhanced profiling? We should begin by realizing that “moderate” Muslim wishing and hoping is nothing more than a pipe dream. I suspect no one really knows what the majority of Muslims think. Maybe the Muslims don’t really know what they think. It is by their deeds that we will know them and their deeds are becoming increasingly knowable. quranic doctrine provides plenty of textual support for and historic examples of jihadism , religious intolerance, and totally narrow minded prejudice against all non-believers and women. Self inflicted politically correct delusion anyone?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:33:13 +0000

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