To bear the name of slave is hard and harder still it is to be - TopicsExpress


To bear the name of slave is hard and harder still it is to be one. In August a letter from the “Boy” or slave of brother Wydeman was tabled at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South African Missionary Society: Cape Town 5th August 1828 Dear Sirs, Having for a number of years already performed my duties as servant with all diligence and even having tried to remain in your service for longer – my only prayer to you Lordships is that you will see to it that I be freed from the bondage of slavery. Perhaps your Lordships could purchase me for a small sum of money from my old master. I cannot complain of my brave old master. I am sincerely committed to the Christian faith and I live the way a Christian should, but when I think about the unhappy name of slave, I imagine myself to be entirely lost. To bear the name of slave is hard and harder still it is to be one. Your Lordships are acquainted with the circumstances with my old master, with the illness with which he has to cope. The old man may live long, but he may also pass away suddenly. There are many heirs and some of them are not well disposed towards me. Should I be sold by auction, only God knows under what tyrant I may be subjected. Therefore I have taken the freedom to write to your Lordships. I trust that your Lordships will not blame me for this action. Thus I pray and entreat your Lordships most fervently to see to it that my request and plea be granted. If God grants me the health, I shall be able to make a monthly monetary contribution towards the redemption of the capital needed for my purchase by your Lordships I hope that God will move your Lordships heart to make me happy. I close this letter with great expectations and remain Sirs, Your Lordships] submissive and obedient slave, Jacob van de Kaap The directors decided that they could not assist Jacob and that they did not wish to be involved in the matter.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:43:06 +0000

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