To me, the story of Gideon is like a great movie. Entertaining and - TopicsExpress


To me, the story of Gideon is like a great movie. Entertaining and true to life, with a powerful message that grips your heart. The characters are so genuine, you feel like they’ve taken your life and put it on the big screen for the world to see, except you can remain anonymous. (Thank the Lord.) There are three chapters in the Old Testament book of Judges allotted for Gideon’s story (Judges 6-8), and like my favorite movies, it makes me want to laugh, cry and leaves such an impression on me that I can’t stop thinking about it. Israel, God’s chosen people had sinned their way into yet another mess. God had given them specific warning against engaging with other surrounding nations. Like any good parent, God didn’t say this just to be a kill-joy and squash their chances of having fun. It was for their protection, because He knew what would happen if they didn’t obey Him. And as any rebellious child would, they went right out and did exactly what they were NOT suppose to do. Sure enough, they found themselves under the oppression of the Midianite people for seven years. The Midianites pretty much took over everything. The Israelites were forced to live in caves and mountain clefts. Food became scarce because as soon as crops would start poking through the ground, the Midianites would come in swarms and wasted no time devastating the land, not to mention killing off all livestock. I’m sure the Israelites said to themselves, “Hmpf. We’re in quite a doozy here.” (Are you serious!) No, I think it was more like, “LORD!!!!! HELP!!!!!! IT’S NOT FAIR!!!!! These people have taken our land, our homes, our food!!!! IT’S NOT FAIR!!!!!” See it for yourself, it says in Judges 6:6, “Midian so impoverished the Israelites that they cried out to the Lord for help.” (Ya think?) This is where Gideon himself enters the story, and where we’ll have to pause for now. In the meantime, can you relate to this or what? I surely can. If you have a relationship with Jesus and have been walking with Him for any period of time, you’ve likely had some kind of experience like this as well. In fact, while the people or circumstances might vary a little, it’s essentially the “same ole” issue throughout Scripture. We get a close up view into God’s relationship with the Israelites because they were His specially chosen people. His commands were for their good. He provided for all their needs and more, but the same recurring cycle never stopped. God establishes the relationship. He makes sure the people know who He is and who they are. They are HIS. HIS CHOSEN. LOVED. RESCUED. REDEEMED. As His people, God sets the standards by which they must live, not as slaves, but as beloved children, or in some cases as His bride. These standards include acts they must not engage in. Not at all to harm them, but to hold the integrity of the relationship. For a while, it’s great, they’re just happy the Lord came to their rescue and they sure will be faithful, yes sir. Then comes a little of this, a little of that...just a little bit of harmless “innocent fun”, and before they know it, they’re shackled back in chains and begging God to help them out of their mess. Again. And You know what? He does. I highly doubt God thinks to Himself, “Ok, the next time, I’m SURE they’ll get it. I feel it. This is it!” He knew all along. Before creation was put into motion, He knew. Then why did He let Israel get away with it over and over and over? Why would He take that kind of betrayal and disrespect repeatedly? Could it be so that WE (Israel representing all God’s people) could come the realization that we simply could not cut it. The relationship would never work if it remained up to us. This was no shock to God. Did it hurt Him? Yes, because we are His beloved. But we can be sure that before the Lord got His hands into the dirt to start forming man, He knew that one day Jesus would be giving His life for a people that could not save themselves and most certainly didn’t deserve it. But we are His, and if was going to require giving His own life, He was going to do it. Lord Jesus, at the expense of Your own life, You still left us with an option. Because You are love. And true love never forces itself upon another. Please, Lord. Let this sink into the marrow of our bones. So often this is something we pass over so quickly. We assume You are the Holy Policeman, just waiting to catch us. Would You please, help us to come to our senses? Holy Spirit grant us deeper understanding because we’ve been numb for too long.❤
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 12:02:42 +0000

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