To my SPECIAL Clients, Followers, and Everybody who loves and is - TopicsExpress


To my SPECIAL Clients, Followers, and Everybody who loves and is INSPIRED by FFL..... I DEDICATE this VIDEO to YOU.... As may or may not know, Ive had a group of EVIL PEOPLE and Companies who were going AROUND SPREADING BAD RUMORS about my business for Total Personal Gain.. Theyd say things LIKE, hes using mind control to make people lose weight (untrue.. Id be rich if I could do that lol), hes messing up peoples kidneys which was TOTALLY UNTRUE, that I was starving my clients and Even saying that I have no Degree and totally Unqualified to Do my job. Not only that, multiple companies joined in for what reasons I dont know... Visit this link for the 400+ Comments and the truth... https://facebook/belinda.mezahudson/posts/10202369723785200 There was even a Conspiracy to get people to make negative comments on my Yelp page and Even make a Fake Facebook Page that looked like mine so when people searched for us, they would find these bad people.. I stayed quite for months but had to do something when their negative posts caught the attention of a Investigative Reporter at Fox 29, a station I actually go on, and she wanted to know was it true.. They even said if that reporter will not do the story, they will just keep on looking until they find one that would... This is too sad.. Even another report had started in on me because of the B.S. Lies...Today went though my clients before and After Pics just to see was all of these worth it.. Then, Today I saw my client Annettes Photo of her being down 101.5 lbs https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10101572272245865&set=a.10100979389248145.1073741831.25408055&type=1&theater and knew the Fight was for good Purpose.. I think God sometimes reminds us that no Matter what may happen, Good will Prevail.. People have Ugly Motives Sometime...They will do anything and everything they can as long as they are satisfied and will tell you they are satisfied with what happened (believe me, I was wrote that).. Lord knows Why because I do not. I know one thing though, I love San Antonians and have ALWAYS wanted the BEST for them.. I will guarantee when this is over, there will be a lot of people who will think twice before doing this AGAIN.. I just wanted to thank EVERYBODY who HAD FAITH in me during this TIME of Turmoil... I Guarantee I will be Pursuing this to the MAX!! They had no heart in this so I must do the right thing not only for Me, but for the GREATER GOOD of the General PUBLIC and SAN ANTONIO.. The lie only Goes so far like in this Post that was Suppose to be a Positive Post by one of my clients... They were exposed Right here so you can see for yourself... dont miss a beat on this one... https://facebook/belinda.mezahudson/posts/10202369723785200 Read through and see how deceitful they were attempting to be... You will not believe it... WE STOOD TOGETHER at FFL so I thank my LOYAL CLIENTS for sticking with me and to my Fake Clients that were helping to keep this trouble GOING... KARMA is a B@#$H, you should have made sure that B@#$H was Beautiful.... Shout out to my which was too cool...and FFL Legal Team (to which you know who you are)... I love you San Antonio and all of the People who Follow me and my FFLers... Peace.. This video is for you!! We Stood together...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:23:19 +0000

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