To the Editor: I am a resident of St. Mary. Our community has - TopicsExpress


To the Editor: I am a resident of St. Mary. Our community has many elderly and disabled citizens as the core of its makeup. That is why I am amazed and disgusted in the bullying attitude that my city board uses while conducting business. If a citizen does not concur with the quorum and Mayor’s view, they are bullied, the city police start finding city ordinance violations, or they are denied civil rights that others enjoy such as the right to free speech. The previous mayor is on video stating that citizens are not allowed free speech to complain about their elected officials and how they conduct business, yet he is on this month’s city meeting video doing just that. So this means to me that if you are not part of this clique, you are not allowed the same rights. The most disturbing thing I have observed is the city clerk (a non-resident) actually directing the mayor on what to do on some important items. This is not proper meeting procedures. He can remind but not direct, this is overstepping his position. Various citizens have contacted state government officials for help but because our town is a 4th class city, we do not rate any assistance. For 20 years I have seen different people come into office with hopes to improve the city’s situation but because they are a minority, they are shut down. Different thinking is what creates change and improvement, but apparently not in Saint Mary. Now I understand with clarity why surrounding community residents call St. Mary many derogatory names. I am ashamed of where I live, not because we are a poor town but because of the way we allow our government to run. We the citizens are the government and our officials work for us, but not in Saint Mary. Many residents no longer attend the meetings because in the past mayor’s term a resident was arrested because of trying to speak during public forum. This resident did not agree with the majority of the board. So they removed him. I have witnessed others being threatened with the same during meetings and after meetings. This is a sad state of affairs. It speaks of someone pulling strings by how things are planned ahead of time and NO DISCUSSION during meetings on any ordinances, city budget, tax increases or anything that effect the city residents. This includes the passing of a city ordinance that makes it impossible for a city resident any input on an ordinance before it is passed however they may comment after the vote, too late for any difference. All meeting rules I have learned state that discussion comes before the vote. The previous mayor made repeated statements that the residents could not complain about their elected officials, it is politicking, and we should vote them out. So when we do vote them out and put in someone trying something different, we are all shut out; the city official and those that voted them in. We end up with NO VOICE IN OUR GOVERNMENT. When an alderwoman is shut out of a meeting, not allowed to speak, and ridiculed publicly by other board members, what hope do the rest of us citizens have? None and we wonder why our town is dying. What the floods did not destroy, our ruling government is. We need mandatory classes for our sitting and future incoming officials on proper meeting procedures and the Sunshine Law. This is the only way I see any chance for our community to open up the opportunity for new vision and ideas to come in and help us “think out of our box.” Maybe this helps explains the rational for the current petition to dissolve the city circulating around by residents. Please print the above as anonymous as I will be harassed for stating my opinion. I know of a resident that actually suffered a suspicious fire because he did not conform. So I actually fear for my health and well being. I am including my name and address and phone number. I hope you will print this as I believe in the power of the press. Please do not disappoint me. A concerned resident Saint Mary, MO 63673
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 23:27:59 +0000

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