To the bullies, What gives you any right to be above your fellow - TopicsExpress


To the bullies, What gives you any right to be above your fellow man? If you tried to give examples of why then you are foolish. Absolutely nothing in this world gives you the right to be above anyone else, whether you think you’re more talented, more beautiful, or smarter. If you point out someone else’s flaws then you are a hypocrite. Everyone on the face of this Earth has at least one flaw: we are all human and we all make mistakes. If you think you are perfect, I must gruffly inform you that the human race was created (or evolved to be) imperfect. We wouldn’t be living the life we do if we were perfect beings. We probably wouldn’t even be flesh. I will sympathize with you for one moment. You probably believe either, that the only way to get to the top of the ladder is to kick other people down, or, that the only way to obtain approval is to make others look weak. Fortunately, neither of these is true. You may find that if you simply help other people struggling on the latter of life, they will help to lift you to the top and all of us will stand equal. Also, approval from other people is unnecessary. If you establish yourself as a leader who is mature, understanding, and wise, then people will be seeking your approval and, if you were wise and understanding, you would lift these people up to be your equal counterpart. A social dynamic is often like a puzzle, but if one piece wants to be the entire picture, and doesn’t fit with its other pieces or counterparts, the entire picture will never be revealed. Try to sympathize with your victims for just a second. How would you feel if someone came up to you and pointed out your flaws that you can’t help or, even worse, pointed out your flaws behind your back? I don’t want you to think about what you would do to this person. I want you to think about how you would feel. Now, think about how you would feel if they did it in front of other people? You would probably feel embarrassed, angry, upset, foolish, and you would feel a horrible thing people call self-loathing. You would be self conscious and, after repeated abuse, you would start to wonder how you could go on like that. Read my original question again. You should answer, “Nothing.” Rebel
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 21:54:02 +0000

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