To those who say both parties are just the same, this may help you - TopicsExpress


To those who say both parties are just the same, this may help you choose: Republicans continue their outreach to US voters, by trolling us on FB: Dave N Danielle · Friends with Leland Leo Dukes I know liberals cant stand facts, but under Bush the unemployment rate at its worst was 4.6%, it is currently 5.9%. He held a record of 52 straight months of job growth, his tax cuts created millions of jobs and just as many small business and made it affordable to renovate your home with saving energy in mind. The mortgage crisis was yet another fiscal downfall caused by the left dating all the way back to Jimmy Carter (because it was unfair that irresponsible people could not own a home)...and than again amplified during the Clinton administration (Andrew Cuomo) and than spun even more out of control by congress in 07 under Dodd and Frank. Meanwhile Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy. I dont have all day to type further, I gotta get back to work so that I can afford my recent 23% insurance premium increase, thanks to Obama care..... If you had money you be doing whatever you could to shelter it from taxes as-well. Jumping through tax loophole is the only way my kids will have anything when I die !.. Bush did not crash anything. Its the same old same old blame bush, for the current moron ruining the country. Any body who voted for Obama the first time around did so based purely on laziness and lack of personal responsibility. A shame seems to define it well, a shame that they were to lazy to educate themselves about there vote. A shame that allot of people were race bated into the vote. A shame that our country has grown to be so lazy that we gain our education from the media and political mouth pieces. A shame that some of those that voted for him are too irresponsible to work for a living . If you voted for him the second time...than its safe to say that your a moron as-well and most likely own NOTHING and have ZERO understanding of economics, foreign policy or anything remotely close to common sense and you should be charged with felony stupidity ! Has nothing to do with trolling, typical for a liberal to pull the race card.. I commented simply because it eats me up when I see people glorifying there ignorance. If thats your disposition than I can just stick to FACTS..... Under Romney we would not be involved in a second cold war with Russia (Mitt made that very clear during the debates while Obamas position was laughable). We would not have removed all troops from the middle east based on Liberal politics, which in turn CREATED the current WAR in the middle east. With Mitt we would have continued the strategy set in place. We would not have adopted federal insurance welfare or obamacare, which has DESTROYED the insurance market and violated Americans rights by being forced to purchase goods or services. Obama care has cost hard working people a lifetime worth of monetary value. Along with destroying how many full time jobs and how many small businesss (my insurance was increased by more than %20 starting Oct. 1st Thanks liberal). We would have a president that knows what the constitution is and who does not violate it. We would have a president that could be held accountable for mistakes since he was white. We would not be lied to about EVERY MAJOR CRISIS even when its a terrorist attack. We would have quadrupled the deficit (just within his first term he racked up more debt than GWBs ENTIRE presidency). We would still have most of the Bush tax cuts that created MILLIONS of jobs and added BILLIONS of dollars worth of property values to Americas neighborhoods. We would not be letting illegals in by the train load (future democratic voters). We hopefully would have been prepared for an Ebola outbreak due to a presidents that had a real world understanding of threats to our nation. Mitt also wanted to lower the corporate tax rate, which would keep jobs here. We would STILL BE the largest economy NOT CHINA ! I could go on and on about how we would be better off with Mitt for president !! From his page, some of his likes. We support Lt. Col. Ge... Silver Bullet Bullion Glock Forum National Shooting Spor... Mifflin County Republi... Concealed Weapon.. (Yes, I added paragraphs to make his rant easier to read.)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 02:36:34 +0000

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