To those who worship pastors and men of God instead of God - TopicsExpress


To those who worship pastors and men of God instead of God himself: Ponder of this: n Nigeria the most misused, Twisted and abused verse of the Bible is» “Touch not mine anointed, & do my prophets no harm (1 Chronicles 16:22 & Psalm 105:15). Religious leaders, Pastors, prophets, Self acclaimed men of God, have preached this Scripture out of context & quote it at anyone who questions them and holds them accountable to God’s Word for how they live and what they teach. To make matters worst men of God have inculcate this misuse of Scripture into the minds of their followers, so now there are millions of people parroting it at anyone who rebukes & exposes their favourite religious leader, General overseers & pastors. “Touch not Mine anointed” is part of a thanksgiving song that king David wrote while reflecting on God’s Divine protection of Israel as they travelled from nation to nation, kingdom to kingdom. David wrote “Touch not Mine anointed ones” right after Israel won a war against the Philistines, because God protected them from being killed [physically harmed] by their enemies. Some pastors, Religious leaders & Their followers claim that the word “touch” in this passage has a metaphorical meaning…that we shouldn’t “verbally touch” “put our mouth on” or “speak negatively” of corrupt religious leaders, but these individuals are adding to God’s Word,Proverbs 30:6 says “Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.” “Touch not Mine anointed” is referring to physical harm. It is a warning to those who would dare inflict physical violence upon God’s people. The text is not forbidding Believers from questioning religious leaders and holding them accountable to God’s Word for what they teach and how they live (God actually expects us to do so). Why are these so-called “anointed ones” irritated by Christians who test their fruit as commanded in Matthew 7:15-20? Would a true servant of God be irritated that someone is testing or discerning their fruit? If their fruit is good, then they don’t have anything to worry about right? Or are these so-called “anointed ones” worried because their fruit is bad and it will be exposed by the light? Someone who is truly anointed & full of the Holy Spirit will encourage you to test all things & use discernment. They will welcome any questions that you have and receive valid correction with humility. They won’t discourage you from using discernment & get irritated, angry, & defensive when you question their teaching, Life style & conduct. Beware of religious leaders who forbid or discourage you from testing all things, using discernment, & holding them accountable to God’s Word. For such are false christs (false anointed ones), false prophets, false apostles, & ministers of unrighteousness. 1 John 4:1 says “do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Ezekiel 44:23 calls us to discern between the holy & the unholy, the clean & the unclean. Malachi 3:18 says to discern between the righteous & the wicked, between one who serves God & one who does not serve Him. In 1 John 3:4-15, John stressed the importance of discerning between children of God & children of the devil, because antichrists in sheep’s clothing were infiltrating their fellowships and bringing in damnable doctrines. Pastors and General overseers have no problem standing in the pulpit and trying to hold everyone else accountable, yet they want people to give them special treatment and turn a blind eye to their sins. Nigerian should open their bibles and read instead of waiting for self acclaimed men of God to read the bible and interpret it to what would suit them and make their churchs and ministries grow!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:27:11 +0000

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